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Bielsa does trust Valverde’s teammate with Uruguay that Luis Enrique does not want | Relief

Two games played, two games played. Ninety minutes in each. That is the balance of Manuel Ugarte in the Uruguayan team at the beginning of the Copa América. A Copa América that is special for him because it is his first major tournament where he feels like one more on the field. after experiencing the World Cup from the bench. In Qatar 2022 he was one of the replacement players who were arriving at the Celeste, he was beginning to take big steps in Lisbon playing for Sporting. Today, Manuel Ugarte, is a reality.

The Uruguayan midfielder has experienced very abrupt changes in his life in the last four years. Famalicao takes it from Phoenix of Uruguay for almost ten million euros being an unknown. In Portugal he breaks it in his first season and Sporting pays almost 25 million euros for him. In Lisbon two spectacular seasons ago and Chelsea and PSG are fighting for him, but the French team win.

The footballer was on a plane to London but the owner of the Parisian club stopped everything because together with Al Khelaifi they decided that Ugarte should play for PSG. Between them and Luis Campos they were in charge of convincing the footballerPochettino was going to be the coach, I had called him and everything seemed like a great deal. Ugarte arrived in Paris but some things changed, POchettino was no longer there and Luis Enrique was the coach.

With the Asturian, Ugarte started playing a lot and well. If we look at the statistics, he has played 37 games with the French team. He started as a starter, but then something broke. There was criticism.Luis Enrique preferred Vitinha instead and Ugarte stopped appearing in important matches. In the Champions League he did not start in any of the seven games and only played 40 minutes in all of them. He didn’t expect it.

Things were clear: Luis Enrique was asked about him at the beginning of the season and he spoke wonders. Later, he stopped doing it. And the Uruguayan stopped playing, although at no time did he ask for explanations and he did continue training like everyone else, hoping to earn his place again. The reality is that the Spaniard does not count on him and the Uruguayan is uncomfortable with this situation.

Bielsa’s confidence

But Bielsa arrived and everything changed for him with Uruguay. He was called up whenever he was available, he played, He shortened his vacation to get into the rhythm of the matches prior to the Copa America and during his stay in France the coach called him to show him his importance.

All that confidence is evident on the pitch today. Ugarte is the perfect squire for Valverde and the other interior, which can be Bentancur, De la Cruz or De Arrascaeta. It seems a sure thing, although the Tottenham player can also play there. Ugarte gives the team balance and that In a team as intense as Bielsa’s with the Celeste it is very important. Today Ugarte is happy and shows it on his social networks.

The future

PSG paid 60 million euros and have no intention of letting him go on loan. For now, Manchester United have shown interest, as have other teams. It seems clear that PSG and Ugarte are destined to part ways, but the transfer market is not being easy and there could be problems. For now, Ugarte is only thinking about Uruguay, where he wants to be champion of America..

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