They recover 5 million dollars in tools thanks to an AirTag

They recover 5 million dollars in tools thanks to an AirTag
They recover 5 million dollars in tools thanks to an AirTag

An anonymous carpenter, fed up with having the tools he kept in his van stolen when he went home, decided to hide some AirTags among them to catch the thieves. Finally they fell into the trap, and the carpenter followed them to a warehouse in Maryland, very close to Washington DC, where he called the police, who inspected it, and where he found about 5 million dollars worth of tools that had been stolen. of people, shops, construction sites, etc. And all of this has been discovered thanks to a man who knew how to act, and to the Apple AirTag technology that made it possible to locate the thieves and the place where they kept what they stole.

When you think about what use a AirTag, chances are some scenario comes to mind where you can’t find your keys, backpack, etc. There are those who put one as a collar on their dog or cat, or perhaps leave it in the car in case at some point they forget where to park it, or their wallet or bag… there are countless options, but they all assume that the possibility is possible. that at some point we won’t find something and we need to find it. However, few would think that their AirTag would help uncover the theft of more than $5 million in tools.

They end a large-scale theft thanks to an Apple AirTag

As we say, this is the case of this anonymous carpenter, who after suffering two thefts of tools that were in his van decided to hide some AirTags among them to find the thieves. He ended up following them to a warehouse. and there he called the police, who after obtaining a court order, accessed it and found much more than what there seemed to be at first. It turns out that the warehouse was the base of operations for a large-scale theft of this type of tools, and the value of everything stolen is around 5 million dollars. For this reason, a program was started to try to return all these tools to their owners through a website, in addition to bringing those responsible to justice to determine their guilt or innocence.

Be that as it may, it seems clear that if it had not been for the fact that this carpenter had not had the idea of ​​hiding AirTag in his tools, and of course for the AirTag technology as such, perhaps they would never have caught these people, nor begun to return the tools to their legitimate owners. This shows us that AirTags are one of Apple’s most important products due to their versatility, comfort and, above all, the number of functionalities that have. It is an object that serves both to avoid losing the house keys and to uncover a large-scale robbery operation. This last assumption is something very strange, but it speaks very well of what Apple’s AirTag can do.

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