This is the great news from Google

This is the great news from Google
This is the great news from Google

Android has a silent warning system for certain moments of urgency, but now Google wants to elevate the experience by partnering with RapidSOS and thus activate the use of the 911 contact (112 in Spain) through RCS (Rich Messaging Service).

This messaging protocol It has been promoted by Google for years by offering the same experience as a chat app like WhatsApp that uses mobile data, but through SMS. In fact, in its ‘war’ with Apple in the United States it has been looking for different ways to convert RCS as the communication standard.

Google has mentioned in its announcement that the solution with RapidSOS will allow it deploy the technology next winter so that users where they do not have the option of using 911 (112 in Spain) can do so. Initially it will be available through the Google Messages app, although it is expected to be deployed to other third-party apps.

Google Messages


The Free Android

Running on top of RCS, which enables rich messaging, users will be able to send images and videos or share the location in real time to emergency services to offer the necessary information so that they can provide an effective response. It is very important because in times of emergency any information from a video or image can offer the professional the necessary perspective.

Elmar Weber, General Manager of Android Enterprise Communications, maintains that emergency text messages with RCS in Google Messages will offer critical communication skills which was not previously available to many users. And in fact, according to TechCrunchthe goal is to make RCS the standard for emergency text messaging across the planet.

The new Google contact page

And this new experience reported by Google from its blog comes at the best possible moment before another announcement: the availability of a page for update home and work address and the legal one.

These past weeks Google has been sending out an email announcing the ability to manage addresses saved in your Google account. From the personal information section It can be changed and accessed like this:

  • It can be accessed from
  • Just below are the addresses that can be modified: home, work and other.
  • There is another interesting link to delete all the addresses that Google has for addresses where one has lived:

These addresses are linked to the use of all Google products such as Google Pay, Chrome’s autofill system and many others according to 9to5Google.

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