The gods smile with the new Age of Mythology Retold

The gods smile with the new Age of Mythology Retold
The gods smile with the new Age of Mythology Retold

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For a long time, a new installment of Age of Mythology had been requested, the game that mixed the best of the strategy of the Age of Empires saga with a few touches of magic that made the mechanics much more fantastic and the range of possibilities. to annihilate the rival army is much broader.

Age of Mythology Retold is the proposal that Microsoft brings us to satisfy that need to command our favorite gods to conquer the planet. We had already seen a preview of the title, but during the Xbox Showcase we were able to see more details about this game, which will be available on September 4 of this year.

The hand of the God of strategy

In the new trailer, it seemed that the game will also come to consoles, so You can enjoy it on Xbox and PC At least, it has not yet been reported on other platforms. In the footage, you can see some of the gods that will be part of the battles and it seems that from the Greeks to the Indians, through the Romans and the Nordics, all will be represented.

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Of course, the game will be available on Game Pass from day 1.

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