Entering your email will no longer be the same for security; this is what microsoft is going to do

Entering your email will no longer be the same for security; this is what microsoft is going to do
Entering your email will no longer be the same for security; this is what microsoft is going to do

If you use the Microsoft mail, the way you access your account is going to change soon. The reason is none other than the security. They want to leave aside the classic access through the username and password, since that can pose a risk and that an intruder can gain access. We are going to tell you what they have planned, when they are going to implement it and, also, some tips to always keep your account protected.

What Microsoft has announced is the removing classic authentication, the basic one, which consists of entering the username and password. This will happen next September 16. From that moment on, they will begin to apply more modern authentication, more adapted to current times and more secure.

Microsoft email access changes

This will gradually affect the different accounts: Outlook.com, Hotmail.com and Live.com. According to Microsoft, the basic authentication method is not reliable when sending credentials over the network, unencrypted. This can allow an intruder to capture that information. Additionally, browsers and other applications can cache those credentials. This means that if someone has access to your device, they could get into your email.

But what exactly is going to change? They are going to start using multi-factor authentication. Basically, it is a second step that you must perform beyond entering your username and password. It is a method to increase the security of any account and one that we always recommend activating. You can apply it to social networks and many other accounts on the Internet.

In order to take advantage of this new feature, users will have to switch to the latest versions of the Outlook applications, in case they use an old one that does not support multi-factor authentication. With this, the accounts will be more protected and avoid security problems.

Protect your email

It must be taken into account that attacks via email have increased significantly in recent times. It is a medium widely used by hackers, so it is advisable to take measures and not make mistakes. A clear example is the Phishingso present in our daily lives.

To avoid problems, our advice is to always protect your accounts very well. Use a strong password, enable two-step authentication and don’t make mistakes when you sign in. Especially, you should be careful when entering from other people’s computers, since you do not know if they could have any malware.

Of course, it is also good to keep your protected device correctly. Make sure you have a good antivirus, to detect threats in the form of malware, but also have everything updated. The latter will help you correct vulnerabilities and prevent them from being exploited to steal your email. It’s also a good idea to block spam emails.

In short, Microsoft takes another step to protect user security. In a few months, you will no longer be able to simply log in with your username and password, but will have to use a two-step authentication method. The objective is none other than to increase protection.

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