Angwe, the orc who spread terror in World of Warcraft and spent 10 hours a day eliminating rookies who arrived by boat to the continent

In the vast universe of World of Warcraft, where countless stories and adventures have been woven over the years, there are legends that go beyond the game’s official narrative. These legends, born from the actions and experiences of the players themselves, become unforgettable stories that resonate strongly through time. Among these epic stories, stands out that of Angwe, a rogue orc who wreaked terror and chaos on the Dethecus server of the original WoW during 2005.

Angwe earned an infamous reputation for his relentless hunting of players, regardless of their faction, be it Horde or Alliance. According to Angwe himself on Reddit a decade ago, this player spent countless hours annihilating his opponents in the port of Menethil, a crucial transit point in the game. This place, being the only gateway to Kalimdor from the eastern kingdoms, became the perfect setting for his massacres.

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A method that instilled terror in new players

With an almost unhealthy obsession, Angwe invested around 10 hours a day in his sadistic task, consistently reaching the top positions on his server’s PvP leaderboard. In an interview with PCGamer in 2017, the player called himself “Freddy Krueger,” referencing the fear and despair he instilled in his victims. Menethil Harbor, being a low-level area, housed players with levels between 20 and 30. However, Angwe did not discriminate and also attacked higher level characters. His modus operandi included boarding ships, massacring the crew, and swimming back to port to repeat his cycle of terror.

Capture of Menethil

Such was his notoriety that he founded his own guild, “Servants of Angwe”. The members of this guild, protected by Angwe’s fearsome reputation, were not targets of his attacks. However, the power of such protection came at a price, generating provocative messages both on forums and in-game.

A dedication that made him a Wow legend

The legend of Angwe was perpetuated in the comments of other players, some of whom described him as a mythical figure, as said by some players who declared that he was “hard to find, but when you do, you wish you had never been born.” Others desperately tried to bribe him to avoid falling victim to him, offering gold, armor, or anything that would satisfy his greed.

Screenshot of his message on Reddit 12 years ago
Screenshot of his message on Reddit 12 years ago

Although as with all things, Angwe’s figure faded over time, giving rise to multiple theories about his disappearance. Some believe that his own guild was responsible for his eventual downfall, while others suggest that he found the new battlefields introduced by Blizzard boring. However, there are those who insist that Angwe still lurks, waiting in the shadows.

After 20 years, World of Warcraft decides to solve the problem of poor camera positioning with a new command in “The War Within”

The enduring popularity of World of Warcraft has not been without its minor drawbacks, and one of the most recurring has been the game’s problematic camera. After two decades of frustration for players, Blizzard Entertainment has finally decided to address this problem with the new expansion “The War Within.”

The camera in World of Warcraft, while functional in most cases, has been a constant source of annoyance. Players have long complained that the camera tends to get trapped behind objects such as trees or structures in the environment, making visibility difficult at critical moments in the game, such as boss fights.

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