this is the moto tag smart tracker

this is the moto tag smart tracker
this is the moto tag smart tracker

This small device helps us find belongings that we have lost

The new family of Motorola Razr 50 folding devices and the new Moto Tag smart tracker

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Today is a good day for Motorola, which has just presented its new family of foldable phones motorla razr 50 and motorola razr 50 ultra, the latter with the largest external screen in its segment. But those are not the only ones news that the American company has left us today, because they have also expanded their ecosystem of devices with its first Google-compatible object tracker, dubbed moto tag.

A little over a week ago, it became public that Motorola was working on its own smart tracker, in its purest form. Apple AirTag style. If you have never heard of this gadget, we will tell you a little about what it is. Basically, they are some small devices that help find lost objects and they can be really useful if we put them in our purse, backpack, luggage or any valuable belongings that we are afraid of losing.

With this launch, Motorola demonstrates that it is firmly committed to creating an ecosystem of connected devices, like so many other telephone brands. This handy little device supports Bluetooth LE connectivity with ultra wide band and comes equipped with a 3V battery (CR2032) with a capacity of 210 mAh to power the system, the same as the famous AirTag.

Prices and availability

Unlike the new Motorola Razr 50 family, the Moto Tag cannot yet be purchased, but the company has reported that will go on sale in Spain soon. Additionally, users will be able to choose between Various colors available, such as blue, light green and dark green.

On the other hand, we can confirm that Motorola’s first smart tracker will have a price of 39.99 euros. However, if you intend to get a few units, you will be interested to know that The pack of four units costs 139.99 euroswhich will allow you to save 20 precious euros.

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