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Gamer visiting his parents’ house finds his old Gameboy with a rare 24-year-old Pokémon from the early days of the game series

In what could be described as a nostalgic trip to the past and his childhood, one player ended up with an unexpected surprise during a visit to his parents’ house. This is because when he went to see them, he found his old Gameboy and discovered that in this now classic console, there still lived a rare Mew that few players could own.

A discovery that caused a sensation in the Pokémon community, demonstrating the rarity of that variant of the character, with fans sharing their memories of the early days of the game series and discussing the importance of Mew. Unlike most of the 1st generation Mew, obtained through various tricks or manipulations, this specimen comes from an official event. To get a Mew like this, players had to participate in the Pokémon 2000 Stadium Tour in the United States.

Players lining up at that event in 2000 – Photography via

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In the post, the player says in a Reddit post that when he found and turned on his Gameboy, he hardly expected the save files to still work after so long. “Found at my parents’ house, my legitimate Pokemon Red cartridge with Mew with 14-year-old batteries, still works in my Game Boy Pocket,” he says in the title of the post, adding that he got the Mew precisely, “on the Pokémon tour of Nintendo in the US circa February 2000.” Since the internal batteries of 1st generation Gameboy games run out over time and save files can be lost, the number of legitimate Mews today is very low.

The player’s discovery sparked generally healthy reactions in the community, as while some fans are envious of the lucky discoverer, others advise backing up the save file to protect the rare Mew from oblivion. One of the players comments: “I’m 34 years old and I have a Steam Deck. But now I’m so envious,” while another wistfully says, “Wow man, I still remember going to the game store and getting my free Mew. I even got a sticker that said “Mew inside” to put on the cartridge. Damn, now I have to look for it.”

A find that reminds many of their own childhood and the time they spent with the first Pokémon games. It’s a reminder of how much passion and joy these games have sparked in millions of players around the world.

Pokémon Card Player Finds $50,000 in Old Boxes and Envelopes from the 90s in His Uncle’s Old Warehouse

In another curious discovery, which has caused a sensation among followers of the popular Pokémon Card game, the community was amazed by the value of the loot found by one of its users. This is an impressive collection that includes sealed boxes of original cards and several expansion packs from the 1990s, which a player found in his uncle’s storage unit. Collection that, according to the veteran players themselves, is valued at around $50,000 dollars.

In his post, the user says “I found this in my uncle’s warehouse,” leaving some photographs of the found letters. Immediately the other players commented that in reality, they had found a kind of hidden treasure in his house, since according to quick estimates, it would be worth approximately those $50,000 dollars mentioned. And nowadays, many Pokémon fans dream of obtaining valuable cards by purchasing modern products. However, prices for classic editions, such as the base set boosters, have skyrocketed to such high levels that it is difficult to even acquire the packs, let alone the coveted rare cards.

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