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Checklist of 25 questions to improve your SEO with Google Leaks

The more than 14,000 functionalities of how the Google algorithm works result in a basic checklist. Are 25 questionswhich we should all do to improve our SEO.

An SEO checklist, based on ranking factors revealed in Google Leaks | Dall-e.

The filtration of Google Search API (Google Leaks), who found SEO to Erfan Azimiconfirm that the clicksthe authority and age of the domain, the brand reputation or the thematic experience of the authors They are relevant factors to improve SEO.

The big G, on the other hand, establishes a series of degradations for each site according to clear parameters, which we already mentioned in a previous report.

Although what is leaked does not reveal the scoring that ALPHABET assigns to each of the more than 14,000 features of your algorithm Search Enginethe documentation (Google Leaks) describes many key variables, which everyone responsible for search engine positioning must evaluate.

In this way, it is possible to make a 25 question checklistwhich we should all do to be able to optimize our site, under this leak confirmed by Google.

Check the checklist, according to the leak or Google Leaks

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