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Extensions that Google Chrome recommends to everyone, to make your work easier

Chrome extensions are an ideal complement to facilitate your internet browsing, but they can also be a great help to save time and optimize your daily work with the applications and tools you use.

This browser arrived 16 years ago and, since then, it has become one of the most used by users on the webits interface is very complete and intuitive and has several extensions that help people cover any need they may have.

These tools are installed in the browser to add extra functionality and thus personalize the user experience, each extension is designed with a specific purpose.

​Although there are many, there are some that are the most recommended when carrying out a specific task.

The five most used extensions in Chrome

In the browser you can download all the ones you want and need, but it is important that you know what each one is for and thus not fill your computer with many applications, you should only use the ones that help you.
Below we will show you which are the most recommended:

  • LanguageTool: This extension is very helpful if your job involves doing a lot of writing. This is an autocorrect, which helps you identify if a word is misspelled, it will notify you so you can correct it.
  • SaveAS: The application consists of offering three options for downloading an image, either in PNG, JPG, and WebP, so when downloading an image it will only be necessary to make two clicks to have it in the desired format.
  • Picture in Picture: Activating this tool would be very useful, since any YouTube video, a series of platforms such as Netflix, Prime Video or Disney, will be played in a floating window that you can move around your computer desktop.
  • Manganum Sidebar: the tool is a sidebar that offers access to a number of applications, by installing it you will be able to change tabs more easily without running the risk of closing any.
  • GoFullPage: If you are the one who takes a screenshot of a page in its entirety, from the navigation bar to the end, this extension will be very helpful to you, since it is capable of capturing everything, creating an image file that you can later consult with complete peace of mind. .

To add these applications you must go to Chrome and search for Web Store. There write the name of the one you need and click add. There are many more extensions that could also be very useful, because they all offer simple operation, but these are the most used and recommended in Google Chrome.

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