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I am the worst hunter in the history of Monster Hunter World, but one day I will become a master monster slayer

There are video games that you never get to play due to lack of time. The industry runs like a rocket and there is not much time to enjoy between deliveries, especially when there are several releases that you like and/or you want to stay up to date with everything… or almost everything.

We all go through the inevitable process of giving up some experiences to play others. In my case, Monster Hunter World It has been on the bench for six years and is a third or fourth option, the classic game that you keep on the shelf or library for when there is not much to play.

I do not intend to disparage the franchise in any way. monster hunter. I am completely ignorant and I am becoming informed little by little with articles, videos, live videos and posts on Reddit. I am very attracted to what he proposes, but it has never been a priority with respect to other things. Nothing else.

The worst hunter in Monster Hunter World

My plan was to finish Mad Max (2015) and dive right into my expected June 2024 releases: Destiny 2 Final Form, Fallout 76: Skyline Valley and Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree and maybe Chornobyl Liquidators. My adventure in the deserts of Australia ended earlier than expected and I’ve had enough time to get my feet wet in Monster Hunter World. And what a disaster!

I took my first steps in the New World of Monster Hunter World. The beginning is not surprising at all: the ship goes awry and you end up stranded on the wild island you wanted to get to, but completely unarmed and without knowing a damn about the species that live there.

I tend to be especially respectful when I’m new to the world of a video game. Not out of fear, but out of respect. I try not to disturb the peaceful and non-aggressive species too much as long as you don’t disturb their way of life. After all, I am a stranger in lands in which I have earned no rights.

The peaceful outsider attitude does not apply to all species. Hunters don’t care what our intentions are. It didn’t take us long to find them face to face and we barely managed to save our lives, all thanks to the Field Team Leader. This man jumped on a huge bug with a colossal sword on his back.

We arrive at the camp, presentations, a guided tour and a lot of “blah, blah, blah” until I am granted my first mission. Recognition and elimination of the same bugs that almost killed us a few minutes ago. Monster Hunter World It gives me to choose from a huge arsenal: daggers, swords and shields, axes, giant swords, bows, crossbows and more. This is where my path as the worst hunter in history begins: I choose the bow without having the slightest idea of ​​ammunition or how to use it.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go: yours truly using the bow on his first mission. Result? The most absolute ridiculousness in the universe. The bugs took a long time to die because I didn’t know their weaknesses and they attacked me whenever they wanted. It was clear that I had made the worst possible choice for my first mission. I think it was one of my most humiliating starts in a video game, and all because of me!

The first thing I did when I returned to base was change the bow for the sword and shield, which is more designed for new hunters. The next step was to open the game so that other players could join my game. Not because I expected anything bad, but rather to try the experience with other hunters.

The original mission was reconnaissance, but the appearance of the Great Lagras changed everything. My fellow NPCs warned me that I could return to camp to face the encounter better prepared and with more powerful equipment. Do you think the worst hunter in the history of Monster Hunter World Did you heed the advice of other veterans? Absolutely. I rushed into battle! “If I’ve killed Dragon Lord Placidusax in Elden Ring, I can handle this lizard.”

As I followed the trail of the Great Jagras, picking up clues from its footprints, the idea of ​​facing the beast alone became dark and bloody… and not exactly to my benefit. However, something wonderful happened just before I reached the burrow: two players entered my session. I got the mischievous smile.

My role during the fight was to put up the shield and tank all the blows I could while my companions blasted the bug from behind, and I took the opportunity to destroy it when it turned around… until I regained its attention and started again. I wasn’t much help, that’s for sure, because I was still getting through the controls. In fact, Great Jagras died while I was drinking a potion. I couldn’t even give him the finishing blow.

Ultimately, my first experience in Monster Hunter World was basically sparring enemies. They all abused me in one way or another and the news is already spreading through the jungle of my departure that the monsters can sleep peacefully because the worst hunter in the world does not kill a single fly. And so, I had a great time during the little time I played.

I only came in to “get my feet in”, a little test while waiting for the launch of Destiny 2 Final Form. However, I admit that I really want to go back, learn everything I can, and take on the bigger monsters. It doesn’t seem like it now, but I promise I’m going to become a master monster slayer. I will have an arc similar to Naruto and Tanjirō (Kimetsu no Yaiba): I will get stronger through training and slaps. You’ll see… but after going through Destiny 2 and Elden Ring As minimum.

In VidaExtra | We went hunting for the Beotodus and the Banbaro from the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion and this is what we found

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