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Its creators want to revolutionize the genre, and it is the most surprising thing you will see today. This is Possessors, a very promising action game – Possessor(s)

We are in the best time of the year in terms of video games, players are enjoying a multitude of events before summer. Just yesterday the Summer Game Festivalbut right after that the Devolver Digital conference began, one that has surprised many because of all the games action and science fiction that he presented. However, one of the most surprising has been Possessor(s), a title that will be released in 2025.

If you were hoping to see some interesting games at the Devolver Direct event, Possessor(s) it may surprise you. It is a game of side-scrolling action and adventure which promises to revolutionize the genre thanks to its intense combats. In the video you can see a brief sample of it, and we talk about a title that will come out in 2025 on PC (via Steam), but it is also intended to be released on consoles.

Although we have seen little of this game developed by Heart Machine, Possessor(s) is set in a decadent world devastated by a catastrophe that has destroyed the city in which we will play. The scenarios are very varied, as we can move through skyscrapers, aquariums and the most varied urban areas. Nor can we forget its history, because we will know Luca and Rehmcomplex characters who must fight to survive in this devastated city

More details of Possessor(s)

Its gameplay aims to be very agile and addictive thanks to its platformsmovement skills and precise combat. This system is achieved with air attacks and the most complex combos, which will help us defeat both enemies and bosses. As expected, as you progress you get new weapons and you can access areas that were inaccessible. Possessor(s) will be released in 2025, and we will have to wait several months to find out more details about it.

In 3DGames | All the announcements and trailers of Devolver Direct, a paradise for unique games that this year had action, science fiction, mystery and a reality show to manage

In 3DGames | Summer Game Fest 2024 summary with all non-E3 announcements, trailers and games. Valorant, Alan Wake 2, Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO and more

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