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Elon Musk threatens to ban iPhone, iPad and Mac in his companies if Apple integrates OpenAI systems – Publimetro Chile

To whom the alliance between OpenAI and Manzana went to Elon Musk. No details of the integration of the ChatGPT on the iPhone, iPad and Mac operating systems, and the South African tycoon was already throwing tantrums through his X account.

Elon Musk questions the security of OpenAI, ChatGPT or any artificial intelligence system from Sam Altman’s company. In different messages that he left on his account X, the CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and many other companies, accuses that after this alliance, the data of Apple users will not be safe.

Therefore, he makes the radical decision to ban any Apple device in one of his many companies. Musk says he will put cages at the entrances to his companies’ buildings, so that those who have devices from the Cupertino giant Leave your devices at the entrances and pick them up when you leave.

If Apple integrates OpenAI at the operating system level, Apple devices will be banned from my companies. This is an unacceptable security breach. And visitors will have to leave their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage,” said Elon Musk.

Half an hour later, Elon Musk continued talking about the topic and in another post he targeted Apple for not developing its own AI, and having to turn to that of Sam Altman’s company.

“It is patently absurd that Apple is not smart enough to create its own AI, but is somehow able to ensure that OpenAI protects your security and privacy. Apple has no idea what really happens once they hand over their data to OpenAI. “They are selling you down the river,” said Elon Musk in his defense.

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