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The doors of Vault 63 have finally opened, and Fallout 76 discovers its secrets in the new Skyline Valley expansion that we have already seen in detail – Fallout 76

Bethesda’s RPG continues to grow and releases new content for free on PC, PlayStation and Xbox

June 12, 2024, 16:00

Updated June 12, 2024, 18:10

They already do more than five years since the eventful launch of Fallout 76, but the truth is that during this time it has been working hard to improve all its elements. From the arrival of NPCs, to seasonal events, story and faction expansions, and even tributes to other installments and unique mechanics, like in the latest Jersey City update. Bethesda has proven to be very committed to its RPG, and has shown us again by showing us in great detail what is to come with its expansion Skyline Valley, which we saw in action during a visit to the Bethesda / Zenimax offices in London. He shelter 63 has finally opened its doors, and you can discover it right now because this update just released for free on all platforms Are you ready to discover its secrets?

It was clear that the success of the Amazon series I was going to boost the IP, something than the active player numbers for Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 of recent days corroborate. Therefore, Skyline Valley could not arrive at a better time, bringing together the main virtues of the title. The plot takes us to explore Vault 63, whose doors have exploded, revealing what was hidden inside. And the importance of Skyline Valley as content lies, to a large extent, in the fact that it is the first territorial expansion of Appalachia.

Skyline Valley brings a new region, with its own tone and history to discover

Without going into too many spoilers, it does have something to do with the anomalous and gigantic electrical storm that devastates the entire area. This will affect the inhabitants, since we will face a new type of electric Ghoul that even explodes, although they will not be the only unpublished rivals to date. There will be a radioactive turkey with a simply wonderful design, for example, but also new robotic enemies. Fortunately, we will also have weapons of the same nature to defend ourselves. Of course, this entire expansion comes, in addition to new story for the global plot of Fallout 76, new side quests, factions, rewards and world events, like a very fun one called Storm Chaser. In this event, the hordes and survival were mixed with the collection of batteries to power some electrical poles.

At a playable level, it does not add nothing that you haven’t seen in other installments of the series, or in Fallout 76 itself: we are still faced with a multiplayer Fallout experience in which we take our personalized avatar to get to know their world and help (or not) other people. To defend ourselves from the dangers of the Wasteland, we will have the classic shooter gameplay from the franchise, as well as an immense variety of weapons and equipment to customize our character.

Still, the highlight of Skyline Valley comes from his story. Immediately the game invites us to immerse ourselves in the mysteries behind shelter 63, a place that we will know first-hand, and that will give us a large number of missions. The plot is followed with great interest from the beginning, since there is a total coherence between the setting we explore and the tone of the world. Their characters raise moral conflicts related to experimentation from the first minute, and we will have to discover the role they have played in making this area mutate in this way. Of course there will also be secondary missions, new equipment, and other usual content for this type of expansions.

During our time playing Skyline Valley, we had time to see a little of everything: main story missions with a very interesting background mystery, but also secondary ones with a much lighter and fun tone. However, its creators had to do something right when planning this expansion when, after the test, we all shared both anecdotes and pieces of information hidden in their scenarios that helped us theorize and resolve the background plot, and understand why it is The region had such a dark appearance, marked by that gigantic electrical storm. In addition, we were able to see a wide variety of locations, from gloomy abandoned mansions and shelters to power stations guarded by a group of power armor.

“There has never been a better time to enter the Wasteland. The story and the game will continue to evolve”

Not in vain, its manager, Jonathan Rush, is a creative especially concerned with the narrative aspect of Fallout 76. He is concerned about weaving all its plots well, that they all have a significant impact and that they evolve organically. If the latest expansions focused on adding features that expanded the playability, such as the Atlantic City casino, here we find content that moves in the opposite direction, but equally stimulating given the quality of what was played.

However, as they told us at the event, this is only the beginning: in addition to the update that will allow us to transform into Ghoul, at the end of the year we will have an update called Milepost Zero. Will include an extra activity in which we will have to protect two-headed pack animals along a route so that they reach their destination safe and sound. It is an order that the Blue Ridge Caravan Company will give us. If we advance your relationship with them, we will be able to establish our own caravan stands, which can extend underground like small shelters that we can customize at will. Plus, the event will return for Halloween. Mischief Nightalthough renovated for the occasion.

Regarding Skyline Valley, we were able chat with Jonathan Rush, its charismatic director and producer. Jon Rush has a long career within Besthesda, although when we asked him about it, he did not want to go into much detail about his involvement in classics like Prey and Doom. It was obvious that she wanted talk especially about your project current. “The journey of Fallout 76 has been very interesting. It’s been on the market for almost 6 years, and I can’t help but see it as a great story. We launched it, and the Wasteland was empty; players had to adapt to the environment, learn from the characters through anecdotes, notes, things they left behind, testimonies of robots… all this made up an image of what that space was like before. Time advances, and characters and factions begin to move to the Wasteland to leave their mark on the region. Skyline Valley is the latest chapter in this changing and evolving story.”

The mystery of Vault 63 will be the key to the new Fallout 76 expansion

The changes that Fallout 76 has experienced at all levels during these years bring it closer to a path of redemption similar to works like No Man’s Sky. Like Sean Murray’s game, Fallout 76 at its launch had a large part of the public against it due to the state it was in and because of Jon Rush’s intention to let the players get used to it to that abandoned Wasteland. It was something that began to change with the Wastelanders expansion, which brought NPCs back into his world, bringing it closer to a traditional Fallout experience. In Rush’s words, “they suspected that the public was going to react like that, but that first part It was only half of a story that would continue to evolve. (…) Those characters who return to the Wasteland are real, they exist in that region, they have their own story.”

Throughout the dozens of additional content packs that Fallout 76 has had over the years, part of its content refers to very characteristic elements of other games in the saga, such as The Pitt, a direct allusion to Fallout 3 which was launched in the fall of 2022. Rush commented that it will only introduce more content referring to other games of the brand if it fits with the story of Fallout 76, but they are not going to insert it for no reason if it has nothing to contribute to the story of Appalachia.

“Tributes are fun from time to time, but to propose a large piece of content totally focused on it… I would have to see if it is something that can benefit Fallout 76.” – John Rush

The creative is very clear about the direction his RPG should follow, and that is to continue surprising with new stories and elements that encourage players to get lost in his post-apocalyptic Wasteland. “Skyline Valley is coming to bring something new to Fallout 76. Vault 63 has been closed for a long time, and has generated a lot of mystery and questions among players about what it could hide. We had been considering expansions in the region for some time, but we had to see which one was appropriate, and that it was for the right reasons,” he explains.

“So, when the idea came up to open Vault 63 and reveal what was going on inside, we saw it as a good opportunity to extend the map towards this point in the region. (…) That’s how we decided that we wanted this new region to reflect the mysterious, dark and intriguing spirit of Vault 63.”

In this regard, playing Skyline Valley you can see Rush’s intention for maintaining the humorous and light spirit from the Fallout series, but also to introduce a dark and violent setting; The design of this new area arose from the artists’ sketches, specifically ones that showed a large electrical storm. It is what will determine, not only the character of the territory, but also the enemies, creatures and characters. “The electrical storm represents the environment from Vault 63. If you move away from it it doesn’t look so impressive, but as you get closer to its center it gets bigger and darker. (…)We wanted the story to also reflect the region itself.”

Until further news, Fallout 76 is the present, but also the future of the series in terms of video games. However, it’s not something that seems to worry Jon Rush. “Pressure? What’s going on?”, it’s fun! I love seeing the enthusiasm of the players, seeing how more people are arriving. (…) Maybe we will add more regions in the future; “They are a very powerful tool, as they give us means to continue the story of Fallout 76, but also tools for players to continue building their own stories.”

“Both for players who are thinking about starting Fallout 76, as well as those who are already playing it, there has never been a better time to enter the Wasteland. The story and gameplay will continue to evolve, so stay tuned!” Skyline Valley for Fallout 76 is now available for free on all platforms.

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