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Dino Crisis: thousands of fans ask for the return of the saga in an official Capcom survey

Capcom is one of the most important companies in the video game industry, as it has many iconic franchises under its belt that have gone down in history: from Street Fighter and resident Evil until monster hunter and Devil May Cry. Unfortunately, there are some sagas much loved by the community that remain dormant.

One of the franchises forgotten in time is Dino Crisiswhich saw its last main delivery in that distant 2003. While it remains to be seen if any will return with a sequel or remake, a new development gave hope to dinosaur fans.

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More than 80,000 fans voted for the return of Dino Crisis

In early February, Capcom launched a special survey asking fans around the world to answer some questions about the company’s image and its game catalog. The final results are now out, and it’s worth checking out the most interesting findings.

Total, 254,148 people They got involved in this initiative and answered the questions. The United States had a contribution rate of 28% with 71,546 votes, while Japan came in second place with a participation of twenty-one%. In Mexico, only 8689 people They provided their opinion.

The survey covered several interesting topics: from the first Capcom game fans tried to the most popular characters. One question asked participants to specify which franchise “they would like to see have a sequel or a new title.”

To the surprise of many, Dino Crisis won first place with a total of 80,769 votes. Megaman came in second place with 64,395 voteswhile Devil May Cry complete the podium with 60,371. Of course, results change depending on age range and region.

Fans demand a sequel or remake of Dino Crisis

According to the results of the survey of Capcommost of the people who called for the return of survival horror reside outside of Japan, are men, and are between 30 and 40 years old. Reginathe original protagonist of the franchise, also slipped into position number 9 on the list of the community’s favorite characters.

“Please make a remake of Dino Crisis or release a sequel. I know my message will be one of possibly millions. Please make a [nuevo juego] for us, the fans,” reads one of the highlighted comments in the survey.

Yes ok Dino Crisis obtained first place in that survey question, it does not mean that it will have a new installment; However, it is possible that Capcom listens to the community’s comments and decides to launch a new project in the franchise. Only time will tell.

Fans still fondly remember Regina, protagonist of Dino Crisis

But tell us, do you think the saga could return? Would you like to see a remake or a sequel? Let us read you in the comments.

Follow this link to read more news related to Dino Crisis.

Related video: Capcom, we need to talk… again!


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