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Monitor your health from your own home – Telemundo Miami (51)

MIAMI, Florida – In the digital age, health monitoring from home has become more accessible and essential. From daily step counts to body fat percentage, there are devices to measure just about everything. While it’s not necessary to own every device, Consumer Reports experts highlight a few that are essential.

Gus Ramírez is an example of how people can manage their health at home. When monitoring his prehypertension, Ramirez uses a blood pressure machine. “I take my blood pressure and depending on the measurement I call my doctor,” says Ramírez, demonstrating the usefulness of these devices to obtain important data and discuss it with his doctor.

Having home devices allows you to monitor health indicators between medical visits. “These instruments cannot replace a medical provider, but they can give you more information about your health between your medical appointments,” explains Horacio Pérez Sandoval, spokesperson for Consumer Reports. A blood pressure monitor is essential for people with hypertension, since measurements in doctors’ offices can be inaccurate. Nearly half of adults in the United States have hypertension, and Hispanic adults often do not have the condition under control.

Consumer Reports has chosen the Omron Platinum home monitor as the best for accuracy and convenience. The Omron Silver came in second, with similar performance but the ability to record data for only one user. Additionally, keeping a thermometer on hand is crucial for those times when you’re not feeling well, as it’s helpful to know if you have a fever and its intensity. If a fever lasts more than three days or reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit, it is important to see your doctor.

For those interested in their physical activity, a fitness tracker is a good investment. These devices not only count your steps and the intensity of your workout, but they also track changes in your heart rate. Although it may not seem like it, a bathroom scale is also an important tool to maintain your health. “A scale is important especially if you have heart problems, because any change in your weight can be a warning of related problems, such as fluid retention,” says Pérez Sandoval.

In short, home health monitoring devices can provide valuable information that helps you stay on top of your health between doctor visits. Remember that if you are over 50, especially if you take medication or have a chronic condition such as high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes, it is crucial to have an annual medical check-up. These devices do not replace the doctor, but they can be important allies in taking care of your health.

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