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Horde mode Gears of War: E-Day will most likely return

Possibly the most important and anticipated announcement during the event happened-at-xbox-games-showcase-2024-1399403/” title=”Everything that happened at Xbox Games Showcase 2024″ target=”_blank”>Xbox Games Showcase last Sunday It was, of course, Gears of War: E-Day, where we get to experience the beginning of all the hell that will break loose in Sera.

The Coalition has already said that this time they want to offer more terror so that we can relive the terror of facing the fearsome Locust for the first time.

In an interesting interview with Windows Central, the studio’s creative director, Matt Searcy, and brand director, Nicole Fawcette, explain in more detail why they have chosen this direction, in addition to hinting very clearly that we can expect multiplayer both in Horde mode as traditional. Fawcette explains:

“You can see that we wanted to reposition the Locust drone as really scary and terrifying creatures. People remember Gears of War 1 for those moments of terror and fear. We’re going back to that darker, grittier environment that people have in their heads when they think in the franchise.”

He goes on to say that horror doesn’t mean they’re abandoning the series’ often quite heavy tragedies, as well as the funnier elements, and says they’ve worked hard to get the tone right:

“That’s in our DNA. The great thing about Gears is that it can do both. It can tell dark and horrible stories about human suffering, but also offer hope and what it feels like to have a squadron at your back. And then to have moments when you take a Locust’s head off with a chainsaw and feel so fucking good.”

Although people love Gears of War’s campaigns, multiplayer is also very popular, especially Horde mode, which helped start the trend of fighting waves of enemies. Fortunately, Searcy has good news in this department, and all but confirms that he is coming back:

“I’d say this is the next mainline Gears game. Gears has a pretty clear DNA in terms of gameplay, so you can probably anticipate where we’re going with E-Day.”

But that doesn’t mean there’s a lack of news. As you already know, there is 14 years of difference between this prequel and the first Gears of War, and apparently this will be noticed. Searcy explains:

“E-Day is not a destroyed world. It is a beautiful world, with people living in a time of peace. We see the Locust introduced through the eyes of people who have never seen them before, and do not know what is happening “We’re also going to change things about the gameplay. We’ve been working on the franchise for ten years, so we have experience in revising enemy types, but also in adding new weapons and maybe even new enemies. “

The interview contains other details (like why the Lancer has a chainsaw and why The Coalition decided to make E-Day instead of Gears 6) and, as we said, is worth reading. That being said, is that okay with you?

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