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This is Chained Together, the new Steam cooperative game that triumphs among streamers

New day, new viral game. In this case the lucky one is Chained Together, a pure platformer in which up to four players must work in unison to escape the clutches of hell and reach paradise, with the peculiarity that they are tied by a chain. This requires, to begin with, coordination and teamwork, since a bad jump can drag down others, but also individual ability. A peculiarity of Chained Together is that the chain is not a mere distance limiter between characters, something that multiple games have used, but rather it has its own physical entity, which implies things like that it can be used as an element to assist in climbing. , hooking onto fixed elements to avoid falling; It is also possible that if one of the partners falls, the others can use the chain to bring them back if they are on solid ground, a little help in a merciless game with its approach.

A streaming phenomenon

In the ascent to paradise there are several worlds, each with its own difficulties and obstacles, in a 3D scenario that combines fixed elements with other mobile ones in order to make the group fall at any time, although most of the falls occur due to errors. own, creating hilarious situations which are what make the game attractive as a spectacle. In order to present a more accessible experience, it comes with three difficulty modes: Beginner, an option in the pause menu allows you to teleport back to the highest point you reached before a fall; Normal, in which there is no specific help, you fall in case of failure and must start again; and the most stressful, Lava, where you must quickly climb before the lava engulfs you. He own Auronplay has already tried his luck with the climb, accompanied by Ibai, Axo and Luzu. Meanwhile, a part of the speedrunner community is beginning to put the title on their list to conquer.

Where can I buy Chained Together?

Chained Together, created by Anegar Games, premiered on June 19 on Steam, achieving rapid recognition. It currently has a Very Positive rating after 308 user reviews and its price is quite affordable: €4.99 (although until June 26 it will be €4.49 given the initial 10% launch discount with which all games on the Valve platform usually come out). It is only in English, although that does not affect the experience in any way, and it has 16 Steam achievements, in addition to being able to be played solo and cooperatively.

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