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Google’s artificial intelligence created a ranking with the 3 most polluted countries in the world – En Cancha

June 20, 2024 at 8:03 p.m.

As much as humanity tries to become aware of the climate change and global warmingthere are countries that generate so much pollution per year that makes the battle very complicated.

According to Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence, those States are mostly distributed in a single geographical point. What’s more, when we ask the AI ​​about What are the three most polluted places in the world?all those chosen are from Asia.

These are the three most polluted countries on planet Earth, according to AI

According to Google’s artificial intelligence, “theHigh population density, burning of fossil fuels for power generation and transportationand the presence of polluting industries, such as textiles and tanneries, are the main factors that contribute to this situation”, which leaves them as the most polluted place in the world.

Its second place is due to the fact that it has constant “vehicle emissions, biomass burning and intense industrial activity, especially in the steel sector. The situation is aggravated by the poor quality of the fuel used and poor waste management.”

Finally, India ranks third among the most polluted countries in the world according to Gemini. The reason is that it has an immense “population density, especially in cities,” as well as a “dependence on coal as an energy source that also contribute to the problem.”

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