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Reputable leaker accidentally confesses that his source works at Nintendo

The video game leak scene has lately given a lot to talk about, for some even offering more excitement than some presentations this season. One of the most successful leakers in history has just been added to the list of leakers and apparently he will walk away after making a mistake.

We recently told you about the scandal Midori, who abandoned his role as an informant after revealing his true identity and latest predictions. Well then, Pyoro He is another of the users who had managed to maintain an impeccable history until now, but everything indicates that he will no longer make any more leaks.

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It all started with a journalist’s report Jason Schreier in Bloombergin which he addressed the current situation of the scene of leakers and informants in the video game industry and how their activity has apparently decreased in recent times after changes made Nintendo that have made the prediction work of some informants difficult.

As some users have realized, Nintendo has made changes to the way it uploads information about its upcoming games. Previously, the company uploaded the information about games that it would announce at its upcoming events in advance so that their respective pages would be available after the presentation, allowing Internet users to dig into the page’s code to decipher upcoming announcements. Now, however, the Japanese company would no longer be doing so.

It seems that this change would also be affecting Pyorowhich prior to NintendoDirect He mentioned to his followers that they should not expect big titles at the event, something that was very misguided, since the presentation was full of surprises, just remember that it was Metroid Prime 4: Beyond.

Pyoro accidentally revealed his source who works at Nintendo

Schreier contacted the leaker to question him about it and the interesting thing is that Pyoro He confessed that his source works in Nintendo of Japanalthough he made it clear that he was not sure how he obtained his information, apart from that, on the other hand, he did not rule out the theory about the collection of details through code on the company’s websites.

The appearance of this information in the article took by surprise Pyorowhich apparently I did not expect to be published, even though Schreier He mentioned that he made it clear that his participation was for an article.

Thus, everything seems to indicate that the informant’s intention was not to publicly reveal that his source worked in Nintendo. Shortly after, the user changed his name from “Pyoro_X” to “.“, he set his account to private and deleted virtually all of his messages on the platform.

Thus, the industry is witnessing the decline of the career of another of its most successful leakers. Pyoro joined in March 2021 and has since shared leaks or details of upcoming announcements that have turned out to be accurate to such a degree that he has earned just under 110,000 followers.

Apparently Pyoro will no longer make more video game leaks after accidentally revealing its source

What’s going on in the video game leaker and tipster scene?

In the article Schreier mentions that on this occasion there were no rumors about the games that would appear in the NintendoDirect. But this is not true in its entirety. Although the circulation of rumors was not as intense as in other editions of the event, the truth is that there were leaks, as several sources hinted at the appearance of games like Metroid Prime 4: Beyond and The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

In fact, it was the same Schreier the one who put a user on the table ResetEra which hinted at the appearance of the new game The Legend of Zelda and even the new RPG Mario and Luigi that would have “Brotherhood” in the title, revealing that there are more informants with sources beyond details in the code of the pages.

On the other hand, the journalist mentioned that you count as Midori They often make a reputation for getting 1 or 2 things right and then make predictions that are vague, untestable, or completely off the mark.” The truth, however, is that Midori He did not make 1 or 2, but several leaks that were correct and with direct information without any vagueness.

In case you missed it: Midori retired as a leaker after a near-perfect record.

What do you think of what is happening in the leak scene? Tell us in the comments or on Discord.

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Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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