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These are the new features for File Explorer in Windows 11 24H2

It is important to note that, initially, when Windows 11 was officially releasedreceived a lot of criticism for various aspects, including the File Explorer, which had been deteriorated compared to what we found in Windows 10. However, Microsoft, demonstrating your commitment to usershas been gradually updating this very useful tool.

Looking ahead to the launch of Windows 11 version 24H2, Some of the main features that this tool will incorporate are already known. and, for the benefit of users, there are many quite interesting new features and some highly requested as well. Next, we will tell you the details.

Copilot integration into File Explorer

File Explorer will now have Copilot AI integration

One of the main new features, and definitely one of the most important, is the integration of Copilot AI in File Explorer. This means that now the generative tool will be able to read and recognize the texts you copy to show you different summary options, or you can ask it to explain it or send the text directly to Copilot. In this sense, you can also choose any file from the Explorer and send it to Copilot to perform various actions.

A good example of this It may be that if you send an image to Copilot, then you will be shown relevant options, such as enlarging and editing it, for example. This is something extremely positive and with a lot of potential.

New labels on context menu icons

File Explorer added labels to context menu icons

You should already know that The Windows 10 context menu was replaced with the version available in Windows 11. This looks much more stylized and beautiful, although it is also true that it omits several options that were previously easily accessible.

However, one of the main new features that Explorer integrated into Windows 11 was that the most used icons, like cut, copy and paste, They were displayed in icons that stood out from the rest. However, some users could be confused by these, so the 24H2 version seeks to correct this by adding labels to these icons, displaying their names.

Batch changes to file management errors

If you experience file errors in this new version of Windows 11, then you can apply batch fixes

It has probably happened to you that you extract a compressed file into a folder and, for whatever reason, an error appears, such as the fact that files with these names already exist, For example. Then, you must choose whether you want to replace them or not copy them. However, until now, it was a process that had to be done one by one.

But in Windows 11 24H2 now you can choose if you want to replace the files or not copy them, but applied to all the files that present the error. This means you won’t have to do it one by one.

It is now possible to edit the metadata of .PNG files

Windows 11 will allow you to modify the metadata of PNG files

Another interesting novelty that introduces File Explorer in Windows 11 24H2 is that it will now be possible to modify the metadata of .PNG files and, logically, other better-known formats such as .JPG. This way, you can add ratings, change the title of the rating, and other details.

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