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makes the language barrier a thing of the past

It is not that it is the app or platform that Google updates the most compared to others, but whenever it comes with some change it is very important. And if Google Translate has supported 133 languages ​​before this update, now add 110 more new ones. An important leap to offer a tool that eliminates the language barrier for millions of people.

And to achieve this he has used the artificial intelligence of your PaLM 2 language model to help Translate learn new languages. The use of AI is mainly due to the benefits it brings in learning certain languages ​​that are similar in their grammatical and vocabulary structures.

It happens with Awadhi and Marwadi which are close to Hindi, or the creole languages ​​that developed from French such as Seychelles Creole and Mauritian Creole. Isaac Caswell from Google explains it well from the announcement in the blog so that the progress in the integration of these languages ​​to Google Translator has been exponential in all its corners.

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From the list of new languages ​​supported by Google Translate there is one that has been expected for a long time, Cantonese. It has been one of the most requested and Caswell maintains that it is because Cantonese can occasionally be confused with Mandarin in writing. For this reason, it is difficult to find data and training models. c

And another important point from this update: a quarter of the new languages ​​come from Africa. Caswell, in an interview with The Verge, states that most of the new languages ​​included are spoken by at least a million people, although There are several that reach hundreds of millions of people.

In total they cover 614 million speakers and 8% more of the world’s population is added that can approach Google Translate translations. Languages ​​such as Afar, which belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family and is spoken mainly in Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia; Manx, traditional from the Isle of Man as a Goidelic Celtic language closely related to Irish and Scottish Gaelic; o nko, a language and writing system created in 1949, a Guinean educator and intellectual.

Google, according to 9to5Google and from his blog, he not only stays here with this great advance, but he wants to reach Design AI models that support 1,000 languages most spoken on the entire planet. A great goal to turn Translate into one of the best current tools.

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