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Google Translate adds 110 new languages ​​thanks to the use of AI

Google Translate It is one of the translation services, if not the most used, at least the best known in the world. Beyond its free availability from any browser and integration into Chrome, the fact that it is available on many smartphones around the world makes it a very useful tool.

Now it will be even more so include 110 more languages ​​to the list of languages ​​supported by the popular translator.

Artificial intelligence has had a lot to do with it, since the search engine company has used the LLM PaLM 2 to learn all these languages ​​and be able to integrate them into Google Translate. In fact, the company is committed to achieving reach support for 1,000 languages ​​thanks to the use of different artificial intelligence models.

The company assures that now, Google translate is capable of being useful to more than 500 million people after including languages ​​such as “Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati or Venda”, in addition to other better-known languages ​​such as Cantonese, a language that users had previously requested and which, until now, had been difficult to add to Google Translate due to its similarities and equivalences with Mandarin.

At the moment, at least in the Spanish version, the new languages ​​do not appear yet.

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