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Asteroid Day 2024 will have a large free party in Las Vizcachas park

It will be an entertaining family vacation panorama, with games, experiments, workshops, observation with telescopes, live music, contests and free admission.

This weekend there is a stellar event, the Asteroid Day 2024.

A date that has been commemorated since 2015 with the idea of ​​highlighting the relevance of the study and discovery of these objects.

In Chile, the person in charge of coordinating the celebration activities is the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics MAS, which for the third consecutive year organized a great scientific party open to the public in the Pueblito de Las Vizcachas Park.

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The green lung located in Puente Alto that will once again become the epicenter of the country’s celebration of Asteroid Day 2024.

That’s because there it is Saturday June 29 there will be a open day full of scientific activities for the whole family.

Between them workshops, observation with telescopes, interactive spaces, meteorite exhibition, storytelling, rocketry, contests and live music.

And the event has free pass, So it is ideal to go with the girls and boys on these winter holidays.

Workshops, games, live music and more

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For the celebration of Asteroid Day 2024, the MAS invited several other iscientific institutionswhich will be added to various activities prepared for the public.

ALMA Observatory, the Institute of Astrophysical Studies UDP, AUI NRAO, the Cerro Navia Science Directorate, CATA and MIRO are some of the participating organizations.

So you can, for example, learn to “cook” a kite from scratch, to know its characteristics, and participate in a astroroulette to win prizes.

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In addition to observe the sky through telescopesparticipate in rocketry workshops and have fun with various scientific games and experiments.

Also enjoy live musicwith presentations by the groups Carpe Diem and Desierto Arte.

In addition, and as a novelty, on this Asteroid Day 2024 a Solar system to scale in the parkthe one that shows its true dimensions.

You can also see this guide with more free panoramas to do during winter holidays.

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