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Google Translate added more than 100 new languages ​​including the language of the gypsy people

Although previously the adoption of new languages ​​was a slow process on the Google translatorsaid process has become much more immediate courtesy of generative artificial intelligence. The same one that, for example, they use in chatbox as ChatGPT.

In fact, Google has now announced that Your Translator now knows 110 new languagescourtesy of the use of the AI ​​model known as PaLM 2. As explained by the company itself, this model has “improved multilingual, reasoning and coding capabilities”

Among the new languages ​​that Google Translate masters are: Cantonese Chinesewhich was one of the most requested languages ​​on the platform, along with Chechen, Hungarian, Jamaican Patois, Sicilian, Tibetan and Yucatecan Mayan, among many others. Among these is also the language romatypical of the gypsy people.

Likewise, this new launch implies the greater adoption of African languages, since they added to the Fon (Benin and Togo), Kikongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo and Angola), Luo (South Sudan, Ethiopia, northern Uganda, among others), Ga (Ghana), swati (South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho and Mozambique.), Band (Southern Africa) and Wolof (Senegal and Gambia).

Google’s plan is to cover the 1000 most spoken languages ​​in the world. Well, PaLM 2 is “a key piece of the puzzle, which helps the Translator to more efficiently learn languages ​​that are closely related to each other.” For now there is no news about the inclusion of the mapudungum.

Finally, keep in mind that in the past, It took Google 16 years to incorporate 133 languageshence The leap forward with artificial intelligence has been gigantic.

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