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The most popular memory unit of the 90s refuses to disappear and has all the logic in the world

Floppy disks are still vital today for airplanes, government entities and more

What would you think if in the middle of 2024 we mentioned the “Floppy”? These memory units so linked to the 80s and 90s became an inseparable companion of those technology geeks of yesteryear, since they were the perfect way to take with you anywhere all the data you need. However, even though Japan said goodbye to them relatively recentlythe truth is that the arrival of hard drives, pendrives and cloud storage they dug the grave of the floppy disks.

Still, the surprising thing is that These units refuse to disappear. As the portal points out TechSpot in a recent publicationalthough Sony has made its last new floppy disk almost fifteen years agothese are still used by some organizations or users due to two differential factors: on the one hand, the nostalgia; on the other, the need. As an example, they name the case of Espen Krafta musician who uses floppy disks to store music samples and perform live, but the truth is that It’s not the only one who stars in similar stories.

The United States also continues to use floppy disks

Tom Perskycreator of, sells floppy disks to hobbyists and industrial users, a series of profiles among which the airline industry. In the year 2020it was confirmed that many airlines were still using floppy disks on some popular planes like the Boeing 747-400. Furthermore, it is also surprising that organizations such as Pentagonone of the most advanced locations in the world, were capable of using computers IBM Series-1 from the 70s with floppy disks to the year 2019.

In this way, although it may seem incredible, said memory unit has managed to preserve its presence to this day. Currently, making the leap to new systems has high costs and, if this were not enough, it also requires a great time investment. In addition, there is also a great advantage related to floppy disks: They are harder to hack being present in isolated systems. Therefore, if you are wondering if these units are still used, the surprising thing is that the answer is yes.

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Main image by Fernando Lavin (Unsplash)

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