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Immersive entertainment: the goal of Generation Z

The Chamberí campus in Madrid of the Alfonso X University hosted representatives of various international companies and brands, in an event organized by GGTech Entertainmentto talk about the new era of immersive entertainment.

According to different international studies, the Generation Z It represents around a third of the world’s population and its influence on the industry is beginning to be important. It is estimated that more than 3 billion of people will be gamers in 2025. Global brands and companies have been researching for months on the most appropriate mechanisms to interact with this digitally connected generation.

Z entertainment is a new way of uniting digital and physical experiences in a single world, which will allow us to know how audiences should be impacted. Activations, physical events and large arenas are multiple formats, which join the world of video games to create a connection between brand and entertainment.

Cristina Carranza, Global Head Gaming at GGTech

A rising market

The interest of the Generation Z for gaming it is undeniable. In fact, the 87% claims to play on devices such as smartphones, consoles or computers at least once a week and the 65% more than 3 hours a day, which shows the deep integration of gaming into their daily routines and represents a great opportunity for brands in the advertising space within the game.

Generation Z demands transparency and authenticity from brands and companies, but also community and connection. Their preferences focus on digital, social and immersive experiences that allow them to participate, express themselves and relate;Without a doubt, video games are one of them.

Cristina Carranza, Global Head Gaming at GGTech

According to a recent study by Deloitte In five countries, respondents from the Generation Z they cited video games as their activity of entertainment favorite. This represents a change compared to previous generations who still lean towards television and streaming music. Furthermore, this same source maintains that the 70% of Generation Z prefers games that allow them Interact with friends or other players.

UNIVERSITY Esports, Sponch Challenge and Fortnite in El Salvador

Cristina Carranza explained to attendees some of the immersive entertainment experiences that GGTech has carried out. An example is the gaming project in the university environment. UNIVERSITY Esportswhich currently has the participation of more than 100,000 students of 2,000 universities (Distributed in more than 9,000 devices) in 26 countries of four continentsThis initiative encourages student involvement through competition in some of the most popular video games of today, creating experiences that invite the community to participate socially.

This global project, which combines esports competitions with educational activities, allows university students to create community, learn and have fun.

Cristina Carranza, Global Head Gaming at GGTech

Another of the success stories in the immersive experience of generation Z that was shown to the attendees was the Sponch Challenge 6.0based on the well-known Mexican Marianela cookies from Bimbo. The objectives of this activation were to encourage consumer participation through multiple channels and create experiences that invited the community to participate socially.

The third successful experience that was presented was the project developed for the Government of El Salvadorfor which GGTech created different maps of Fortnite based on some of the most emblematic monuments of the city of San Salvador. The first of the designs was the exact replica of the National Library of El Salvador (BINAES), one of the most iconic buildings in the country, which included a virtual reproduction of the center of the Salvadoran capital.

It is estimated that the gaming industry will reach around total revenue in 2029 of more than 100 billion. This represents a great opportunity for brands and agencies, since, to interact effectively with the Generation Zthey must understand the nuances of their media and entertainment preferences, how to best leverage these channels, and ensure their strategy authentically encompasses the essence of the gaming community..

Cristina Carranza, Global Head Gaming at GGTech

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