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so you can always send files in maximum quality


  • Nacho Grosso
  • Cádiz (1973) Writer and editor specialized in technology. Writing professionally since 2017 for broadcast media and blogs in Spanish.

One of the main problems we have always faced on WhatsApp is that when we send video or photo content, a lot of quality is lost. The application has allowed you to send this type of content in HD for a while now, but I want to show you how to configure it by default.

Send your files via WhatsApp in HD

The process to do so is very simple, and thanks to it you’re going to get it done by default. To do this, these are the steps you must follow:

First of all, open the WhatsApp application and click on the icon you will find in the lower right corner, the Settings icon.

Once you do this, you will see that there is a section called Storage and data. If you click on it, you can continue advancing in the process so that you can send the files in HD quality.

One of the sections is the quality of the multimedia files. By default, this is always marked as standard quality. If you click on it, it will let you change it to HD quality. This way, your files will not lose as much definition and the person who receives them will enjoy them more.

Simply with these steps, the option to send files in HD format is now set by default. However, you must keep one thing in mind: HD files have a larger weight, Therefore, they may take longer to send. If the file is a video, and if we are sending it without using a WiFi network, that is, with data, we will be using data from our mobile plan.

Although today many of the rates are unlimited, this should be taken into account by those who do not enjoy one. But there is no doubt that sending files via WhatsApp in HD format helps any content you share looks much better and don’t miss so many details.

The WhatsApp application, with more than 2.2 billion active users each month, has become the most used in history, and is a very convenient communication tool. Appeared in 2009, it was not until 2014 when WhatsApp was bought by Facebookcurrently part of the Meta company. As time has passed, WhatsApp has incorporated new useful functions for users, and sending files in HD format is still a very successful measure so that our memories are shared in a much higher quality.

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