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Four ways to take care of your eyesight if you spend a lot of time in front of the screen, according to specialists

More than 104 million Americans spend seven or more hours a day in front of a screen, which can cause various eye problems (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In our digital age, spending hours in front of a screen has become almost inevitable. According to a report published in January by the American Optometric Association (AOA) and the Deloitte Economics Institutemore than 104 million Americans are exposed to excessive screen time, defined as seven or more hours per day.

This problem affects 70% of people with office jobs. Even just two hours a day with electronic devices can cause eye problems, according to doctor Steven Reedoptometrist and president of the AOA.

Uncontrolled use of devices can lead to problems such as dry eyes, eye fatigue, neck and back pain, headaches, heavy eyelids, tearing, and blurred vision. In addition, this habit increases visits to the doctor and decreases work productivity. However, disconnecting is not always feasible.

Here are four ways to protect your eyes from the negative effects of screen time that Reed told us about. CNBC.

An ergonomic workstation can make all the difference. Many people have their computer screen too high. Yours should be slightly below your line of sight so you don’t have to raise your head, Reed advised. Having your head in the wrong position can cause symptoms such as neck pain and headaches.

You should also place your computer screen at arm’s length and move your smartphone away from your eyes, the doctor recommends. Valerie Sheety-Pilonoptometrist and vice president of clinical and medical affairs at the insurance company VSP Vision Care. Adjust the brightness to a comfortable level depending on the lighting around you and increase the contrast on your device to reduce glare.

Purchasing glasses that block blue light and glare, available in both prescription and non-prescription lenses, can be an effective option for preventing eye strain, according to doctors.

Avoiding the use of devices before bed and performing annual eye exams can improve your visual health (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Taking short breaks regularly can help reduce eye strain. Follow this simple rule, called the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look up from your screen and focus on an object about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

“When you focus on something up close, the muscles inside your eyes that help you focus can get tired,” Reed explained to CNBC“When you look at something that is more than 20 feet away, those muscles tend to relax. You’re giving them a break,” he added.

Outside of work hours, avoid using devices until one to two hours before bedtime to improve your sleep quality, the specialist recommended. “If you are on your devices until bedtime and then do not sleep well, that significantly affects your overall health,” he said.

Blue light and glare are key factors that contribute to eye fatigue; Protective glasses can be an effective solution (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Getting an annual eye exam is important, even if you feel your vision is fine, Reed said. Doctors can find and treat less visible conditions before they get worse.

For example, when looking at a computer screen, it’s a reflex not to blink as much, which can cause dry eyes, the ophthalmologist noted. You can talk to your ophthalmologist about whether artificial tears or rewetting drops are appropriate options to keep your eyes moist, he suggested. Sheety-Pilon.

An eye exam can also reveal other health problems that affect the rest of your body. “Many people don’t realize that an ophthalmologist can detect signs of more than 270 health conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, during an eye exam,” Sheety-Pilon said.

Additionally, patients experiencing eye fatigue often need an update to their prescription or an adjustment to their current glasses or contact lenses.

Taking these steps can help protect your eyes and minimize the negative effects of prolonged screen time. Prevention is key to maintaining good visual health in today’s digital world.

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