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Windows 10 will have 5 more years of security updates

Windows 10 is approaching its imminent endwhich means that users of this operating system will lose support. Although many will make the jump to Windows 11, others are analyzing alternatives to receive security updates. While Microsoft outlines the strategy for the latter, one company announced that it will provide support for up to five years for Windows 10.

0patcha company dedicated to offering micropatches to resolve vulnerabilities, confirmed that will offer security updates for Windows 10 from October 2025. The company promised support for five years, although it could be extended longer if market demand justifies it.

“With 0patch, you will receive security “micropatches” for critical vulnerabilities that are likely to be exploited and discovered after October 14, 2025,” the company mentioned in its blog. “These patches will be very small and will be applied to processes running in memory without modifying a single byte of the original Microsoft binaries.”

The company will also offer updates for Zero-day vulnerabilities and others that manufacturers have not decided to resolve for some reason. Although 0patch focuses on operating system updates, will also provide patches for popular applications such as Adobe Reader, 7-Zip, WinRar, Zoom, Dropbox, and the Java environment, to name a few. These will not be exclusive to Windows 10, but will also be for users of Windows 11 and other vulnerable operating systems.

How 0patch will work on Windows 10

0patch uses a different process than common Windows updates. The micropatches they do not modify the file system executablesbut the running processes. When a patch is downloaded from the server, it is enabled immediately and No need to restart applications or the operating system.

The company uses a client installed on the computer — 0patch agent — which communicates with the server to download and manage updates. Users can manually disable patches, and the option to exclude some applications from being patched is provided. As expected, client communication with the server requires a user account.

He Windows 10 support will cost 25 euros per year on each computer. Unlike Microsoft, 0patch will offer updates for the end consumer, although companies can also obtain them. The cost supports annual updates for the operating system and other vulnerable applications.

It is worth mentioning that 0patch already has experience with Windows versions that lose support. The company “adopted” Windows 7 security once its lifespan ended, as did Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013, as well as obsolete versions of Windows 10.

What will happen to Windows 10 after 2025?

Windows 10 will lose official support starting October 14, 2025. This means we will no longer receive security updates unless we pay for the ESU program. If you have a computer with this operating system, it will be vulnerable to an attack, so the only alternative will be to migrate or disconnect from the internet.

According to 0patch, the first critical vulnerability for Windows 10 could arrive within the first month. The figure would increase gradually as happened with Windows 7, which to date has more than 70 critical vulnerabilities unpatched since it lost support in 2020.

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