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Microsoft’s new Copilot Plus PCs are here to boost your creativity

The power of AI has come to personal computing with Copilot, Microsoft’s new AI-powered assistant built into Windows 11. Copilot Plus PCs empower your creativity by delivering intelligent answers, ideas, and solutions that are fully integrated with Windows. They’re perfect for students, parents, and office workers, and are available now at Best Buy.

Everyday AI, for everyone

While artificial intelligence has been a tech buzzword for years, it has largely remained inaccessible to the average consumer. High prices, complicated setups, and lack of practical applications made AI more of a novelty than an essential tool for most PC users.

Windows Copilot Plus changes all that. By building advanced natural language AI capabilities directly into Windows 11, Microsoft has made the power of AI accessible to anyone who can use a computer. Just as Siri and Alexa have become ubiquitous digital assistants, Windows Copilot Plus is an indispensable AI companion for your daily computing needs.

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Increase your productivity

One of the key benefits of Windows Copilot Plus is its ability to unlock new productivity possibilities for business professionals and students. The AI ​​assistant helps with all kinds of work and school tasks, such as writing reports and emails, analyzing Excel data, creating PowerPoint presentations, and even coding and debugging software.

Imagine you’re working on a complex project with a tight deadline. Instead of spending hours staring at a blank Word document, you simply describe to Copilot Plus what you need to write and it will generate a first draft in seconds. You can collaborate with the AI ​​to refine and polish the piece from there, saving valuable time and mental energy.

For students, Copilot will be a revolutionary study aid and tutor. It helps explain complex concepts, check assignments for errors, suggest ideas for assignments and projects, and can even ask you about material to prepare for exams. This 24/7 academic support available on your PC could help level the playing field for students of all backgrounds and skill levels.

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Unlock your creativity

In addition to increasing productivity, Windows PC Copilot Plus can help unlock users’ creativity and foster intellectual curiosity. The AI ​​assistant is an idea-sharing partner, research assistant, and artistic collaborator.

For those who enjoy creative hobbies such as writing stories, composing music or designing graphics, Copilot Plus PCs offer a source of inspiration and technical help. The AI ​​assistant can suggest ideas for the plot of your next novel, help you compose a melody to accompany the lyrics, or give you tips to make your digital painting stand out. It’s like having a muse on call to help you overcome creative blocks and expand your artistic horizons.

Lifelong learners and the intellectually curious can also use Copilot as a research assistant and research companion. Whether you want to delve into Ancient Egyptian history, understand how mRNA vaccines work, or explore the philosophical arguments around artificial general intelligence, Copilot can break down complex topics, point you to reliable sources, and even engage in Socratic dialogue to refine your understanding.

By making these AI-assisted creative and intellectual pursuits more accessible, Windows Copilot Plus PCs can help enrich people’s lives beyond work and school. By offering them at Best Buy, consumers have a trusted merchant to discover and purchase a device that could reignite a passion for learning and creating.

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Making the world more accessible, no matter where you are

While much of the discussion around Windows Plus Copilot focuses on productivity and creativity, one of the most profound impacts could be how it improves accessibility and promotes digital equity. The AI ​​assistant empowers users with disabilities and levels the digital playing field.

Copilot’s advanced natural language capabilities could be transformative for users with visual impairments or limited mobility. Instead of struggling with a keyboard or squinting at a screen, they can rely on voice commands and auditory readouts to navigate their PC and complete tasks. The AI ​​assistant can also describe images, read text aloud, and transcribe speech to text in real time, making digital content much more accessible.

Copilot also bridges the digital divide for those with limited technological knowledge or English language proficiency. The friendly, conversational interface makes interacting with a PC more natural and accessible than a traditional command line or complex menus. And multilingual support means users can communicate with Copilot in their native language, making it easier to access the digital world and learn new skills.

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Take your computing to the next level today

Windows Copilot Plus PCs usher in a new paradigm in personal computing. Whether you’re a business professional looking to increase your productivity, a student looking for an on-demand study companion, a creative type in need of artistic inspiration, or someone who could benefit from improved digital accessibility, you can supercharge your process today with a PC with Windows Copilot Plus from Best Buy.

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