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“AI has been key to our portrait photography with Studio Harcourt”

After being able to test the HONOR 200 Pro with a portrait photograph that is simply stunning, EL ESPAÑOL – El Androide Libre was able to interview Bruce Huang, CEO of HONOR in Spain, alone to learn some of the details about the collaboration with Studio Harcourt, the famous Parisian photography studio whose lights and lenses have seen illustrious figures from Hollywood cinema and popular faces from all over the planet.

If HONOR has managed to get it right with some of its latest additions in the Spanish market such as the Magic 6 Pro or the Magic V2 folding mobile phone, it can be said that with the HONOR 200 Pro it has got it completely right with portrait photography.

From these lines we were able to reflect how easy it is with a simple click and a funny pose to leave the imprint of your photograph with a technically very precise blur and bokeh effect that turns each snapshot into a photo to remember.

Bruce Huang, CEO of HONOR Spain


The Free Android

This is precisely where we wanted to ask Bruce Huang to find out if the collaboration with Studio Harcourt is planned to last for years, as has happened with other brands such as Hasselblad on the OnePlus.

Why Harcourt Studio? Is it a collaboration just for this phone, or longer-term?

I would like to say that it is an important collaboration for us and for high-level photography on our smartphone, especially in portrait photography as happens in the HONOR 200 Pro. Regarding whether it will be a collaboration not only for this mobile, we will share more information within of little.

The HONOR 200 Pro is a beast In portrait photography, what is the Magic what’s behind?

There has been a great deal of engineering work by Studio Harcourt and the HONOR team to achieve high-level photography, both to optimize this type of photos and to make them more professional in the eyes of the average user, so that they have a sublime experience at their fingertips to capture their friends or family.

In the technical part there is a lot of ‘artificial intelligence’ to analyze the different scenarios in which the subject can be photographed, as well as Studio Harcourt’s own technique in the final optimization of the photo that the user will share from their HONOR 200 Pro in apps and social networks.

Can we expect more HONOR phones with the same Studio Harcourt portrait photography?

It is not in my power to say right now if there will be more mobile phones with this photograph, but as soon as we have that information we will share it.

I have to say that it is a mobile phone that I personally loved, as did my colleagues, and I am eager to find out if HONOR will bring back this type of experience. It is just a matter of pressing a button and you have a simply ‘magical’ and professional photograph.

Yes, that’s right, very professional in the finish.

Two photos taken using Studio Harcourt’s portrait photography mode with the HONOR 200 Pro

Manuel Ramirez

The Free Android

I think the moment it is experiencing is very important for HONOR as well as for the competition that is seeing you as a tough competitor to crack. Changing the subject, I want to congratulate you on the sales figures achieved with the HONOR Magic V2 in Europe, what has been the key to being the best-selling folding mobile phone in Europe in the first quarter of the year?

The key or the most important factor to have achieved this feat, I would like to say that it is the products that we bring to the hands of the users, any of the mobile phones that we have launched, apart from the HONOR Magic V2, like the HONOR itself or Magic 6 Pro or as you have said, the magic that we are capable of producing with our mobile phones. There is also the part of our collaborators who recommend some details to us to incorporate them into our devices.

There is another factor to highlight, and that is the trust that consumers are placing in the HONOR brand. They believe in our products. If you ask us what the most important factor is, it is creating the best possible devices with the best experience that these devices generate for users.

So the key factor to be the brand that has grown the most in Europe in this quarter, could we say that it is the same?

If that is. I would like to say that currently there are several factors that we have achieved part of our objectives. The most important is the one you mentioned, the product. Second, and very important, the trust and increasingly deeper connection in our cooperation with our partners. Just like trust with the media that helps us in how we communicate, tell the story of our brand and the message we want to send to our consumers.

HONOR 200 Pro

Manuel Ramirez

The third, and one we are very proud of, is that we have a highly talented team at a local level. The synergy between the different teams converges locally here in Spain to make a firm stand and continue to bring products to the Spanish market. All of these factors contribute their value to make us the fastest growing brand in Europe.

Let’s say there are a number of factors that together achieve a great result for HONOR.

That’s how it is.

You make a great team.

A talented team, yes, true.

On the subject of AI, what can we expect from HONOR in the coming months?

I would like to say that our goal is to provide users with basic functions that they can understand well in our products and to continue to scale progressively over time.

Can we expect new features for Magic Portal or Magic Capsule? Is there a roadmap for improving these features?

Yes, our goal is to improve these features in our mobile devices and our strategy is to be the ‘top’ in user experience with artificial intelligence that combines with the user’s daily needs and tasks, and, therefore, to be an iconic brand in this sense. Our competitors are in a complex moment and our focus is on our own technology to bring the best products and the best user experience to our consumers.

Our ambition is to be the best company to offer the best experience based on generative artificial intelligence through our products internationally as well as in the Spanish market.

Thank you very much for your time Bruce and congratulations again for what you have achieved in these months with mobile phones that are generating a lot of talk about you.

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