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In 6 years, there are three times as many players on Steam using controllers, with one clear winner. The ‘PC Master Race’ makes room for those who do not use a mouse and keyboard – PC

The keyboard-mouse combo is still the preferred choice, but among controllers, 56% of gamers stick with Microsoft’s

The Gaming communities are not homogeneous, and although we can find hundreds of players enjoying the same game, even in the way they play there are differences. There are night and day players, on one platform or another, and also those who prefer to play with a controller and those who can’t separate themselves from the keyboard-mouse combo. However, these first ones have won a very important game on Steam and, according to Valve data, in six years The number of players with controllers has tripledwith a clear preference for Xbox.

Although Valve has been cornering the PC market since the beginning of the millennium, the American giant has had to improve and adapt to the new times. Proof of this is the inclusion of Game Recording, a new function that allows players to record their games from the application itself, but it has also opened its arms to embrace all those interested in playing with a controller, regardless of what it is. And here are the results.

Since 2018, daily use The average number of managers has tripled, going from 5% to 15% of all sessions on Steam, regardless of the game. Also, approximately 42% of these sessions they use Steam Inputthe tool that enables compatibility with over 300 controllers from brands such as Sony and Microsoft, and third-party hardware companies.

In fact, if we look at individual data we can see a clear winner within the “Big Three” of companies: 59% of gaming sessions use an Xbox controller. While there is no data for Nintendo and its Pro controller, supported by Steam since the aforementioned 2018, 26% of gamers use PlayStation controllerswhile 10% play on Steam Deck.

Even so, Valve has not decided everything and since there is no preference for any company, the Steam team continues to work on improving Steam Input and compatibility with controllers of all kinds, wherever they come from. Proof of this are the improvements in the platform for support of controllers with gyroscopes or the Xbox Elite or DualSense Edge, the pro controllers from Microsoft and Sony. And you, what do you play?

Valve will have its first official controller 5 years later

Valve hasn’t had much luck with hardware, which is why the launch of the Steam Deck was looked at with a magnifying glass. Although the American laptop broke its bad streak, we cannot say the same about other devices, but nothing and no one will stop Gabe Newell’s company and they have announced the company’s first official command in five years. will come out 31 October and It won’t look like the Steam Controllerbut it will have a more classic design.

Featured image by Diego Marín on Unsplash

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