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The trick to downloading a single photo from an image carousel

The applications on our devices are constantly transforming, almost daily we find new features. In this case it is a new Google Chrome function that allows download a frame from a photo carousel, We tell you how.

Download a frame from a photo carousel in Chrome

The Google browser is constantly evolving, there is not a day that we do not find a new function. Furthermore, it is now much easier to identify them since next to each one of them we find a sign that tells us so. In the daily use of Google applications we come across their new features, simply by clicking on the right button of our mouse over a succession of images on a web page, we can discover one of the last.

Saving an image from a web page, something we are used to. By clicking the right mouse button on the image and selecting the option save as. Another option is press and drag to the desktop. Although things got a little more complicated when the image was part of a carousel of moving images. Often, to save them we had to inspect the web page. Something we did in the same way by right-clicking and selecting this option. Although it was a much more tedious task because we had to navigate the structure of the web until you find the image, open it in a new window and now save as.

  • From now on it is much simpler, thanks to the new option that Chrome offers us. Is about “save frame as”, which we access by using the right button again to click on the image and selecting it from the floating menu that appears.
  • Although to download it correctly, we must wait for the image to show that we want to download from the sequence in question and select this option.
  • By doing so, it will open the explorer window where we can select the folder in which we want the desired image to be saved.
  • So by clicking on the save button, We will automatically get a copy of the frame that interests us most.
  • This way we avoid wasting valuable time searching for the image.

An option that has recently been added to the already existing new features. It is likely that this would be possible with the help of an extension, since we must remember that Google Chrome is based on Chromium. Thanks to its open source allows other developers to create extensions with which we can add functions, simply by installing them. So we can always do a search in the Chrome web store to see if we find an alternative solution. The functions of many of these extensions have already been included in the browser code itself and it is no longer necessary to keep them installed. We just have to pay attention to the different menus and messages that the applications offer us to find out about the new features that are included almost daily, even if they are not announced with great fanfare by the Big G.

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