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Organizing to meet up with your friends will be much easier

It’s happened to all of us. In a WhatsApp group, we try to set a date to meet up with a lot of people. Polls have been around for a while, but now WhatsApp has just introduced its ‘Events’.

Can you imagine planning your meetings, birthdays and activities without leaving your WhatsApp chat? With the new group events feature, WhatsApp has taken a significant step to facilitate organization and coordination among its users.

Let’s see how this new functionality works and what benefits it brings.

WhatsApp Events: a new tool for group organization

WhatsApp has started rolling out an events feature to its groups, allowing users to plan meetings, discuss details and confirm attendance directly from the app.

This tool, which was initially only available in WhatsApp communities, has now been extended to all groups, significantly improving coordination between members.

What is the events feature in WhatsApp?

According to the official WhatsApp blog, the events feature allows you to create an interactive message similar to a calendar invitation. Users can specify details such as the date, time and location of the event.

Other members of the group can reply to the message to confirm their attendance, and the responses are visible only within the interactive message, making it easy to track confirmations without having to search for individual responses in the chat.

How to use the events function

Using this new feature is easy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open a group chat.
  2. On Android, tap the attach icon; on iOS, tap the plus (+) icon.
  3. Select ‘Event’.
  4. Enter the event name, date and time.
  5. Add an event description, location or call link if needed.
  6. Send or save the event.

Events can be edited later by the event creator, allowing changes to the name, date, time, location and description.

The ability to create and manage events directly in WhatsApp offers a more efficient way to organize activities.

Users no longer need to use multiple apps to coordinate details and RSVPs, as was sometimes the case, since everything is handled within the world’s most popular messaging platform.

When will it be available?

WhatsApp has indicated that the events feature is in a gradual rollout and will be available to all users globally soon. In addition, it is expected that this tool will also reach the Business version of WhatsApp, expanding its usefulness for companies and entrepreneurs who depend on the application to communicate with their customers.

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