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The discovery that rejects the supposed origin of an animal that only appears in legends

This theory, proposed three decades ago, suggested that Scythian gold miners in Central Asia would have found these fossils, giving rise to the legend of a flying animal. Something similar happens with dragons, since the explanation of their origin is also linked to dinosaur fossils.

The discovery that denies the legend


The discovery contradicts the origin of the legend.

However, a team of paleontologists led by Mark Witton and Richard Hing conducted a comprehensive analysis that challenges this hypothesis. Their research reveals several inconsistencies that cast doubt on the connection between griffins and dinosaurs.

Firstly, no Protoceratops fossils were found near gold deposits, which contradicts the supposed connection with miners. Furthermore, the chronology does not match, as depictions of griffins in the Mediterranean predate any possible one by centuries. discovery of dinosaurs in Central Asia.

Finally, the researchers point out that griffins and dinosaurs like protoceratops share few characteristics beyond having four limbs and a beak.

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For now, no new theories


Fossils are not the explanation for the origin of all mythological beasts.

This study underlines the importance of basing paleontological theories on solid evidence. Witton emphasizes: “Not all mythological beings require explanations based on fossils.”

“Everything about the origins of griffins is consistent with their traditional interpretation as imaginary beasts, and their appearance is entirely explained by their being chimeras of big cats and birds of prey,” the scientist explains.

Researchers suggest that griffins are probably purely imaginary creations. The oldest known depiction dates back to 3000 BC in Mesopotamia, long before any discovery documented paleontological.

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