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Instagram creators will be able to have personalized chatbots with their own personality | TECHNOLOGY

Goal has begun testing in the United States a feature aimed at Instagram content creators that allows them to have their own chatbots, which can be interacted with via direct messages (DM).

These new personalized assistants will be based on the AI ​​Studio platform, which first reached companies and has been extended to content creators to offer them the tools necessary to create their own AI software.

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The company announced in September last year that it planned to implement generative AI (GenAI) on its platforms to introduce a touch of fun into users’ communication with AI agents, the Meta AI in-house assistant, and the EMU sticker generator.

It was then that it unveiled AI Studio, designed so that developers could create their own chatbots and integrate them into the messaging applications it offers. This platform will now be the one that content creators must use to take advantage of a new functionality that is being tested on Instagram.

This is how the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, announced it on his Instagram broadcast channel, where he announced that Meta is in the first phase of a test that allows interacting with chatbots developed by the content creators themselves.

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These assistants, which will be extended over the next few weeks, will be included in the direct messages section and will be “clearly labeled as AI,” as shared in a demonstration of this format.

When you start a conversation with a user who is eligible for this beta test, the platform will indicate that messages are generated using this technology and that “some of them may be inaccurate or inappropriate.”

This feature is currently only available in the United States, for around 50 content creators. As is usual in these cases, it is unknown whether an official version of the feature will be made official and in which regions it would be available.

Regarding the objective of this type of tools, Zuckerberg commented in a recent interview that “it is necessary that many different APIs be created to reflect people’s different interests”, as reported by media such as TechCrunch.

In this sense, he has indicated that “a large part of the focus” of Meta will be to allow each creator “and eventually also each small business on the platform to create an AI to help them interact with their community and their customers.”

The executive has acknowledged that he does not believe that Meta yet knows “what will be the most attractive and entertaining formula that will generate confidence for this”, so he hopes that, with these tests, users can experiment “and see what ends up working well”.

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