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Essential applications to organize and enjoy your vacations

Platforms of all kinds to improve travel search.

The official arrival of summer translates, in most cases, into taking advantage of the summer season and vacations to take a trip. For years, technological platforms have managed to displace the work of travel agencies for many people, allowing reservations to be made easily from a mobile phone or computer, whether for planes, trains, hotels or apartments.

But beyond the known Airbnb, Booking or Skyscanner, To search for accommodation and flights, there are a large number of platforms that allow you to better organize possible vacations, either to save and find the cheap flight or train, or to locate the best leisure activities in the city where you are.

With the liberalization of rail transport and the arrival of more companies, the search for a train ticket involves the need to compare between different companies, just as has been done for years with airplanes. A great option to get the cheapest price is Trainlinea British platform that operates in different parts of Europe, including Spain, helping people find the best combination of trains or buses to get to a destination. In addition to allowing you to buy tickets from the same or different companies from the app, it stores them and can act as a wallet, so you have all your train tickets in one place.

Knowing the best time to buy a ticket is also an interesting extra that some platforms offer. One of them is Google Flights, the website of the giant search engine specialized in air travel. From here it is possible to search for combinations, but the interesting thing about this platform is that it offers the user the possibility of setting alerts with prices, to know if they go up or down, and it has an intelligent recommender that helps the user know if it is the best time to buy or if it is better to wait.

Something similar happens Hooper, another ad-free airline, hotel and rental car search platform that has a very good price alert system. They analyze thousands of data points and translate it into predictions that work consistently with 95% accuracy. Thanks to this, they instantly notify customers when prices are at their expected lowest points so they can book quickly.

As for comparators, Kayak It is another of the best known and most complete, being a very good option if what you want is a cheap rental car.

Once the means of transport has been chosen, if it is a plane trip there are very useful platforms such as Flighty where you can have greater control of the flight and possible delays. This platform, which also has a paid version but which in its free version is very complete, allows you to track the flight, know the boarding gates, possible delays and connection times, even before it appears at the airport. If you like airplanes, it also offers information about the aircraft, previous trips you have made, if that flight is usually delayed…

To get around a new city, apps like Moovit They are a great ally. The advertising is quite annoying if you do not pay for the premium option, but it is still useful to know the possible transport alternatives and even their price.

Getting around a different place is sometimes not easy, and you don’t always have unlimited roaming or data to do so., it is possible to download maps of thousands of cities to navigate them offline, and you can even create personalized itineraries based on recommendations from the platform itself. In addition, it includes all kinds of services to easily find the nearest restaurants, hospitals or pharmacies. In the latest updates they have also included traffic maps to know the state of the roads in real time.

Similar around me, a platform that quickly locates the user’s location and displays a complete list with dozens of nearby services, which can be filtered by category: gas stations, restaurants, pharmacies, shops… a simple way to find spaces in any city in the world.

If you are looking for excursions or guided tours, Getyourguide is a great alternative. It offers 100,000 experiences in major cities around the world and you can buy tickets to thousands of activities from the app itself.

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