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Hidetaka Miyazaki respects players who complete Elden Ring with a guide, but he doesn’t create the titles with them in mind

When we talk about modern difficult deliveries, the first thing that comes to mind are FromSoftware games, since they have been characterized by being a challenge for the average user, which has generated so much fame in the community. gamer. However, the reality is that, despite being complicated to overcome, not only the combats present a challenge, but also the delivery itself, since they do not usually “take you by the hand” towards your objective, leaving you to find yourself. the way. That is why the use of guides for these titles is common, and even the developer’s own CEO, Hidetaka Miyazaki, is aware of this.

This was revealed through an interview conducted by PC Gamer with Miyazaki, in which he commented that, while he knows that players use guides for their titles and find a lot of information through this medium, he assures that his deliveries “They don’t plan on any of that as a prerequisite.”.

“Of course, players will consult guides, and there will be a wealth of information on the web and in their communities where they will have access to secrets and strategies. We expect that. We obviously understand [que los jugadores usan guías]but we don’t do or plan anything with that as a prerequisite.”

“If anything, we try to cater to the player who plays completely blind and wants to go through the game organically. “If they can’t do it, then there is room for improvement on our part, and we would like to try to accommodate those players more in the future.”

This is something that most users have done at some point, not only with FromSoftware releases, but also with any other RPG where the information in the title is “scarce” or is not provided in such an accessible way as in other games. Although There are NPCs that provide this type of data about how to complete a mission, where you have to go and what you are going to find, the reality is that it is not so “at hand”, at least for the average user.

On the other hand, Miyazaki is not against the use of guides in his video games, and in fact assures that it is “a completely valid style of play”, since with the help of these we can get hold of rare items, complete secondary or main missions that had us trapped without being able to advance, and even learn a little more about the history of the game with information that we did not know before.

“We’re not necessarily targeting players who read guides on the fly. Of course, that’s a perfectly valid style of play, and we respect those players who like to approach it with a guide in hand. We just want to let you know that it’s not our prerequisite to design the game in their favor.”

It is worth mentioning that, although in Elden Ring it is not prohibited to use guides, in this mod stardew valley Yes, and it will delete your game when it detects that you are searching for information on the game’s wiki.

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