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Survive, the new 40-player MOBA that promises to dethrone League of Legends and Dota

Survive It is the long-awaited title that promises to revolutionize the genre MOBA and dethrone giants like League of Legends and DOTA. Developed by Theorycrafta team composed of former Riot Games developersthe game has captured the attention of the gaming community with its innovative approach and dynamic gameplay.

Survive It presents itself as a MOBA seen from above, but introduces unique elements that differentiate it from its competitors, since the structure of the game combines characteristics of the Battle Royales and fighting games, offering a fresh and exciting experience. The players organize in squads of fourwith a total of 40 players in each gameengaging in combat both PvP like PvE.

One of the most notable features of Survivein addition to its playing capacity, is its movement system. This, unlike traditional MOBAs that use a scheme of point-and-clickchoose the WASD movementgiving a greater emphasis on real time and mobility, similar to the style of Fortnite.

The game is also distinguished by its day and night cycle, which directly affects the gameplay. dynamic maps feature monsters that respond to the environmentwhich adds an extra level of challenge and strategy.

Survive has been in development for quite some timeinitially known as Project Loki before being renamed. The developers They have confirmed that the game’s open beta will be released in late 2024so its official launch It is expected for early 2025possibly in the second quarter.

Meanwhile, playtests will begin on June 27, offering players a first chance to experience what this innovative title has to offer. The game developers They will randomly select the testers from among those who have pre-registeredhence If you want to try your luckyou just have to enter the official website and complete the pre-registration.

Space shooter that sold 100,000 copies in one day on STEAM goes from success to disappointment and closes abruptly

An innovative zero gravity shooter called Boundarywas successfully released on Steam under Early Access in April 2023 at a price of $25 dollars.

But despite a promising start for its developers, the title has ceased operations after just one year. Disputes between the publisher and the studio, as well as a lack of player motivation, appear to be to blame.

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