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59% of developers rate the video game industry market as ‘Bad’, blaming investors and poor management

A recent survey conducted by the Game Developers Collective has revealed that 59% of video game developers consider that the industry market is in a “bad” or “very bad” state. Respondents point to investors and poor management as the main causes of these problems.

The developers highlight that Investor pressure for fast and high returns has led to aggressive monetization practices, such as loot boxes and battle passes, which have dissatisfied consumers. Additionally, work overload and project overreach have led to the burnout of many key talents in the industry.

The survey also reflects how The COVID-19 pandemic initially led to a boom in the video game market, followed by a decline when life returned to normal. This boom and bust effect has left many studios struggling to adapt to new market conditions.

Some developers point out that Poor internal management and lack of focus on creating fun and passionate games have contributed to the current situation. The tendency to emulate successful formulas from other media, such as Marvel films, has resulted in a lack of originality and creativity in many recent titles.

The video game industry faces significant challenges that require a re-evaluation of management practices and greater consideration for the needs and expectations of both developers and consumers. To regain its vitality, it will be crucial for the industry to prioritize the creativity and well-being of its development teams.

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