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New battery replacement method with the iPhone 16

The European Union forced that Apple will integrate the USB-C port on your iPhone 15, and now it will force you to facilitate
Replacing the battery of your iPhone 16Specifically, this policy affects to the entire smartphone industrySpecifically, the European Union will ban from the European Economic Area any smartphone that does not comply with the new rules that will come into force next year (2025).

As a reminder, these rules are linked to the fact that, by 2025, any smartphone sold in Europe must ensure that the owners can replace their battery using easily accessible tools. That is why Apple is already thinking about a slight redesign to help make it easier to replace the battery in its next devices. This also marks that all companies will have to do a more aggressive redesign to your devices. By 2025, the battery is expected to be easier to replace. Now, by 2027, the European Union wants smartphones with replaceable batteries to return. That is, being able to exchange the device’s battery without the need to use tools.

The iPhone 16 will be subject to this new regulation and will make it easier to replace its battery

According to the latest reports, Apple is exploring using a new battery removal design
with the iPhone 16. Specifically, a technology of “electrically induced adhesive debonding” to meet European Union requirements. Currently, the battery is attached to the device by means of some adhesive strips which have to be removed using tweezers.

The problem is that, if these strips break During the process, additional steps are already needed for its removal. These steps are aggressive, since they involve using heat or the use of solvents
to weaken this adhesive and be able to remove the battery. The worst part comes later, and is that when you want to put in the new battery, you need both a tray together with a specialized machine to reinstall it safely. Not to mention sealing the chassis to prevent the device from
lose your immunity to water.

Apple’s solution is based on the one already seen and filtered
metal case battery of the iPhone 16 Pro. Apparently this battery would fit into the chassis, but when receiving a low voltage of electricity, this would come out very easily. Obviously, even though it has been provided, it is still necessary to disassemble the device. Which means it could lose its immunity to water if the chassis assembly is not done correctly. In this way, we will see in 2027 how they manage to create smartphones that can have the battery removed quickly and easily, but maintaining water resistance.

Would this new feature debut only on the Pro models?

It is indicated that not all iPhone 16s will take the step to facilitate the removal of the battery. Added to this is that the new battery with a metal casing only will debut on the iPhone 16 Pro. This makes it clear that this would be a feature exclusive to the higher models. It should be noted that the metal-cased battery has also been designed to help cool the device.

Apple has also improved dramatically the durability of your batteries to avoid EU legislation. They can be saved from battery replacement as long as their devices still offer a charging capacity
80% after 1,000 full chargesThis has begun to be true with the iPhone 15. Previous models even fail to guarantee 83% capacity after 500 full charges.

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