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Spotify ranking in Uruguay: top 10 of the most popular podcasts

Founded in 2006, Spotify is present in more than a hundred countries where it seeks to position itself as the best platform for listening to music and podcasts. (Infobae)

Podcasts are audio products that are available through files or streaming platforms, such as Spotify and One of its great advantages is that the user can listen to it whenever he wants and as many times as he wants..

Just as in the new millennium people can keep up with the news from their country by having media applications or viewing movie catalogs from their cell phone, they can also enjoy listen to news, stories, stories, interviews, among others through their mobile devices without having to be glued to their screen and with the possibility of doing other tasks simultaneously.

1. As long as you breathe, you are in time.

Let’s chat for a while!! This will be our intimate and sacred space where our brains and hearts connect. I’m going to tell you stories (because… Who doesn’t like stories?) about myself or about people who bring value to us. I’m here to remind you that the perfect moment is now and, as long as you breathe, you’re on time. You can find me at https:www.instagram.comconamor.leti

2. The Marian Rojas Estapé Podcast

Marian Rojas Estapé, doctor and psychiatrist, helps us in this podcast to understand those fundamental aspects that affect our physical and mental health every day. To understand is to relieve and this is how she shows us from her experience and knowledge in each episode; in which you will find advice to live with more harmony through the knowledge of our body, our mind, our behavior and our emotional world. You will understand that there may be a way to get closer to how to make good things happen to you, you will learn about cortisol, the reticular system, oxytocin, the prefrontal cortex and you will have the necessary tools so that you can identify the vitamin people around you. The Marian Rojas Estapé Podcast is an exclusive podcast on Spotify. Credits: Script and voiceover: Marian Rojas Estapé Production: Editorial Espasa Direction: Sergio García Jáñez and Sara Ayllón Recording: Margot Martín Edition: José David Delpueyo (Sunne)

3. Financial Neuron: Personal Finance and Investments

Let’s talk about money, let’s talk about investment but from the perspective of Personal Finance, with people at the center and not money. A podcast that seeks to help you stop suffering from material stress, to use money for what it is: a tool https:www.instagram.comneuronafinanciera

4. Revenge Will Be Terrible (official)

If you fall asleep listening to La Venganza Será Terrible on the radio, now you can also fall asleep listening to it at any time in podcast format. At you can find the episodes, etc.

5. ConscienteMind with Sabina Alcarraz

I welcome you to ConscienteMente! I am Sabina Alcarraz, Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist and I want to invite you to reflect on your current lifestyle, providing specific tools that will help you protect the mind, brain and body from stress, anxiety and negative thinking, focusing on those habits and healthy behaviors that promote personal development, comprehensive well-being and a feeling of happiness.

6. The House of a Thousand Sounds

Children’s stories in radio drama format to spark the imagination of girls, boys, mothers and fathers. The second season is a production of RCV Media More info: https:www.instagram.comdiegopanzamiller

7. Psychology in the nude | psi.mammoliti

Emotional management is the key to a meaningful life. And it’s in your hands to learn it! With the help of Clinical Psychologist Marina Mammoliti, we dive into the depths of the mind. In each episode of Psychology in the Naked, the #1 podcast in mental health and top 13 globally, you will find very valuable tools for your well-being. Will you join us? Subscribe for free to our newsletter and discover a universe of content for your well-being at!

8. Dr. Mario Alonso Puig

Mario Alonso Puig Official Podcast

9. History in Podcast

Podcast aimed at disseminating the main events and processes in the History of Humanity, suitable for all audiences. Taught by Professor and graduate in History Lucas Botta. From Córdoba, Argentina, for the whole world.

10. The column of Santiago Bilinkis

Technology, science and everyday life from the perspective of Santiago Bilinkis

*Some titles may not have a description because the platform does not provide it.

Podcasts have regained strength among users of streaming platforms, especially after the coronavirus pandemic (Spotify)

A podcast is an audio product which has a defined periodicity and can be made up of several episodes, although it has its origins in radio, currently those who like this format can find it on websites or streaming platforms such as Spotify.

Podcasts began as a discussion between several participants on a particular topic, but over time the ways of doing them have diversified and now there can be one person speaking or a group; Likewise, they are not only used as a space to exchange points of view, but also cover genres of interview either fictionas happens with the suspense story of the Chilean production Case 63one of the most listened to podcasts worldwide.

The word “podcast” was used for the first time on February 12, 2004 by journalist Ben Hammersley of The Guardian in an article in which he talked about how economically viable it was to make an online radio program and access them whenever users want.

Although there are various debates about when the first podcast in history emerged, several experts have pointed out that the idea was clear from the creation of the podcast. Thomas Alva Edison’s phonograph in 1870when intellectuals of the time such as Philip Hubert, Octave Uzanne or Edward Bellamy predicted that people would end up “reading with their eyes closed” books, newspapers and magazines and even mothers would stop staying up snoring telling stories to their children before going to sleep.

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