Cristina already gathers endorsements to preside over the PJ

Cristina already gathers endorsements to preside over the PJ
Cristina already gathers endorsements to preside over the PJ

“Go to the PJ of your city to sign your endorsement for Cristina to be president of the Justicialista Party.” This message, replicated by Kirchnerist leaders on their social networks, strengthened the clamor for the former president to take charge of the leadership of Peronism.

Led by La Cámpora but also by other sectors close to the “orga”, the collection of endorsements began throughout the country so that Cristina can apply.

Cristina Kirchner herself started campaigning and released images of Río Negro, where an almost 104-year-old member put her signature to support her candidacy. “People want a government program,” he wrote.

“I want to share with you the video that the PJ of Río Negro published. Aurora, the oldest party member in that province at almost 104 years old. “Listen carefully to what she wants for : that there is no lack of bread or work, that there is no lack of peace or unity, and that there is no lack of study for young people or school for children,” the former president wrote when sharing a publication from the Rio Negro branch of the party that included a video of the militant.

In addition, Cristina Kirchner was active receiving leaders at the Instituto Patria offices. One of those who paraded was Pablo Moyano, who already expressed support for his candidacy.

Another of the Moyanos, in this case Facundo, held a parallel meeting with Governor Axel Kicillof, one of the leaders who remains silent regarding the nomination of the former president.

Although the meeting was to talk about the situation of the Aubasa company (Moyano is the main representative of the toll workers’ union), aspects of the internal life of Peronism were also touched upon.

Facundo Moyano is one of the leaders critical of the leadership of Kirchnerism and in fact has been holding meetings with Buenos Aires leaders who are politically fighting Máximo Kirchner.

In parallel, leaders close to Kicillof continue to organize the event on October 17 at which Kicillof will speak. Will they invite Cristina?


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