José Luis Gascón, Carmen Fajardo and Diego Pedraza, in the Podemos candidacy headed by Irene Montero

José Luis Gascón, Carmen Fajardo and Diego Pedraza, in the Podemos candidacy headed by Irene Montero
José Luis Gascón, Carmen Fajardo and Diego Pedraza, in the Podemos candidacy headed by Irene Montero


The regional coordinator of Podemos, José Luis Gascón, is part of the candidacy led by Irene Montero for the European elections on June 9, occupying position number 15. In addition, he is accompanied by Carmen Fajardo, councilor of the Albacete City Council in the previous term. , and Diego Pedraza, member of the Young Area.

The Castilian-Manchegos join a list also made up, among others, of Isa Serra, Pablo Fernández or María Teresa Pérez, state spokespersons for the party, in addition to the social leaders Serigne Mbaye, migrant and anti-racist activist, Diego Cañamero of the day labor movement and Mar Cambrollé , LGTBI activist, Podemos reported in a statement.

José Luis García Gascón highlights “the importance of Irene Montero’s team and its usefulness in European institutions to address the problems that matter in Castilla-La Mancha such as feminist rights, care of the environment and the use of water, but also the strengthening public services, especially transportation, such as the train that passes through Cuenca, and housing.”

In this sense, it highlights the recent complaints by Podemos C-LM against the new rare earth mining project in Campo de Montiel (Ciudad Real), the “antisocial” housing model that the Junta is deploying in the provinces of Toledo and Guadalajara, or the failure to comply with the legal obligation to exercise the right to abortion in public centers in the region, as happens in the province of Albacete.

Likewise, he recalls his commitment to Castilian-La Mancha healthcare and his intention, after registering a question to the European Commission last year, to continue investigating “the alleged manipulation of healthcare waiting lists and their bleeding figures.”

José Luis García Gascón considers that in these European elections citizens have it in their power to support Podemos “to put the transformative left back on its feet in Spain and send a message that, despite the enormous political cost assumed, it is worth fighting to build more social justice, feminism, environmentalism, peace and human rights”, since, in his opinion, “people on the street are seeing the difference that exists without Podemos in the government and they miss our ability to make them stand up in the center and the necessary transformations are tackled”.

For her part, Carmen Fajardo wanted to convey what, in Podemos’s opinion, are the central issues of these elections. For the Secretary of Social Policies of Podemos Castilla-La Mancha and former councilor of Albacete, “supporting the candidacy of Irene Montero is sending a message that it is necessary to continue fighting for feminism and LGTBI rights from the institutions, regardless of whoever tough”.

According to the regional candidate in these European elections, “we are at risk if Europe becomes a war regime that allocates public money to weapons, or on the contrary, we achieve with Irene Montero that peace prevails as the only way to defend life, human rights and social and feminist policies”.

“We can be the only force clearly committed to ending the genocide that Israel is committing in Gaza and Page still has not condemned 34,000 deaths later.”

For his part, Diego Pedraza, from Toledo from the Youth Area and Parliamentary Group of Podemos in Congress, concluded by recalling that “in European elections all votes are worth the same and count, no matter the province or whether it is a small town or a big city, since it is a single constituency and representation is proportional”, so he wanted to encourage participation “hoping that everyone votes and does so according to their preference, since these elections, as they should all be, make it easier” .

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