NASA investigates colossal asteroid that will approach Earth soon

NASA investigates colossal asteroid that will approach Earth soon
NASA investigates colossal asteroid that will approach Earth soon

The entire universe in its wide splendor is gigantic and there are countless cosmic objects, which cause astronomical phenomena to be occurring all the timewhich are not always perceptible by humans, unless they have the specialized tools to do so, that is why many times they are overlooked, however, Something is always happening out there in the unknown.

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Of all the stars that are present in outer space, There are some that generate anxiety in the scientific community, due to the danger that they may represent for the Earth.mainly as is the case of asteroids, and it is no wonder, since NASA has carried out simulations about hypothetical asteroid impacts on the planet and the results are apocalyptic.

In this case, NASA has been studying an asteroid called ‘Apophis’ for several years, due to the danger it represents for the Earth, because its orbit is very close to it. It especially alerts scientists at the aerospace agency due to its colossal size.

Asteroid ‘Apophis: Is it really a threat to Earth?

The asteroid ‘Apophis’ was discovered in 2004 by NASA. It is a space rock approximately 1,100 feet or 335 meters in diameter.. Initially, when it was discovered, it set off alarm bells for astronomers when they calculated its orbit and They predicted that there was a danger of impact by the year 2029.

However, the space agency explained the following: “When it was discovered in 2004, Apophis It was identified as one of the most dangerous asteroids that could impact Earth. But that impact assessment changed after astronomers tracked Apophis and its orbit became better determined.”

“Thanks to additional observations from Apophis, the risk of an impact in 2029 was later ruled out, as was the possible impact risk posed by another close approach in 2036. However, There is still a small possibility of impact for the year 2068″, they pointed out.

This is what the asteroid ‘Apophis’ currently looks like according to a tool that NASA perfected to be able to see different cosmic objects in real time and their orbit:

Asteroid ‘Apophis’. / Image: NASA

This 2024, two asteroids will approach Earth. What are they?

According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, For the remainder of 2024, two asteroids will approach Earth. Below we tell you what they are:

October 3, 2024: 2007 FT3

  • Size: ~340 meters
  • Magnitude: 20

This asteroid, which was initially called ‘lost’, was first observed in March 2007 at Mount Lemmon, Arizona. After this, he became too weak to observe disappearing from space. Now, according to NASA, this day the asteroid will pass 138 million kilometers from Earth (equivalent to 360 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon). Its passage does not represent any danger to the Earth.

December 17, 2024: 2022 YO1

  • Size: ~3 meters
  • Magnitude: 20.8

This small asteroid is also part of the Apollo group. It was first observed on December 17, 2022.

By December of this year, asteroid 2022 YO1 It has a 1 in 430 chance of colliding with Earth. However, the Star Walk portal pointed out that even if it enters the atmosphere of our planet, it will most likely explode like a fireball. without causing damage to terrestrial soil.

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