Shopkeeper assaulted in Gurgaon after scuffle over accident | DelhiNews

Shopkeeper assaulted in Gurgaon after scuffle over accident | DelhiNews
Shopkeeper assaulted in Gurgaon after scuffle over accident | DelhiNews

A shopkeeper was allegedly beaten up by a group of men following a scuffle over an accident in Gurgaon on Wednesday, the police said.

The incident took place around 4 pm on Wednesday when Amit Sharma was allegedly assaulted with sticks by a group of 25 people in Khandsa Mandi in Gurgaon, the police said.

As per Amit’s complaint, his father Jai Kishan Sharma was headed home on his scooter when it collided with a truck. The truck’s wheel allegedly hit Amit’s father’s leg. “This led to an argument between my father and the truck driver. After that, my father came back to a shop near mine and informed me about the incident before heading home. Following this, the accused and two or three others came to my shop and started abusing me. They grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a shop, where the truck was parked. There were already 20-25 people, armed with sticks, gathered there, and they immediately started beating me with sticks,” he said in his complaint.

Amit further said that when he shouted for help, people nearby gathered, upon which the accused fled the scene in different vehicles, including a red Thar. “Subsequently, the shopkeepers around took me to hospital and I was admitted,” he added.

The police said that they were informed of the incident by the hospital at 8.30 pm on Wednesday and a first information report (FIR) was registered at the Shivaji Nagar police station.

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“No arrest has been made yet but a probe is underway,” an officer said.

© The Indian Express Pvt Ltd

First uploaded on: 05-18-2024 at 09:56 IST

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