Why the C of E cries out for Direct Democracy

Why the C of E cries out for Direct Democracy
Why the C of E cries out for Direct Democracy

IT ISN’T just in politics that more Direct Democracy is needed. Anyone who has not been living on Mars for the past few years will know that Wokery has overtaken almost all our institutions. One such is of course the Church of England, which has all but given up on Christianity in its upper echelons. Many will say that in our irreligious age this does not matter, but they are very wrong. The current malignant ideologies that are destroying the West moved into the gap that Christianity has vacated, particularly among the elites who adopted these new ‘High Status Faiths’.

All is not lost, however. Christianity is undergoing an intellectual and moral revival, with a series of high-profile conversions from atheism and agnosticism. Astonishingly, scientific objections to faith are being seriously rethought, as this fascinating interview between Piers Morgan and Dr. Stephen Meyer shows. Those who yearn to see the end of the malignant ideologies which oppress us often fail to understand that like it or not society must have a faith of some kind, and it seems Christianity, for whatever faults you may think it has, is clearly the one that underpinned Western values ​​and seems the best to preserve and reinvigorate those values ​​going forward.

But is the Church up to task? Well, not really.

Read it all in the Conservative Woman

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