They face five years in prison after causing an explosion while cooking hashish in Dúrcal

They face five years in prison after causing an explosion while cooking hashish in Dúrcal
They face five years in prison after causing an explosion while cooking hashish in Dúrcal

COURTS | May 19, 2024 – 11:59 | EP

The Prosecutor’s Office requests that the three accused be sentenced to pay a fine of 8,500 euros

The Prosecutor’s Office has requested a sentence of five years in prison for the young people who were injured in the explosion that occurred in a house in Durcalin June 2021, while they cooked hashish in the company of two minors who also suffered serious burns.

Four of the people who were in the house that day, and who were between 16 and 21 years old at the time, suffered serious burns due to the deflagration. In fact, three arrived at the hospital intubated and had to undergo emergency surgery that same night, according to health sources.

At first, the Civil Guard found different substances and machinery in the house that pointed to the possibility that they were cooking hashish. Now, the three adults involved – a young woman and two men – will sit in the dock for a crime against public health.

The events occurred around 7:00 p.m. on June 21 in the patio of the house where two of the accused, who were a romantic couple, lived. They were in the company of the third accused adult and two other minor boys when they prepared to carry out the necessary process to obtain hashish oil.

The operation basically consisted of introducing butane gas into an extraction tube containing pressed marijuana, exerting pressure until the resin oil came out of the other end of the tube. This was collected in a container that was then heated to eliminate the air contained in the oil.

In this case, the defendants used a gas stove. During the process, an explosion occurred that caused serious injuries to all those present, including the two minors, who are not accused in this process, according to the provisional conclusions of the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Civil Guard located in the house near 3,000 euros in drugs, especially hashish and marijuana, but also cocaine. The agents also found a marijuana centrifuge drying machine and various tools for preparing the drug for sale to third parties.

The trial is scheduled to be held on June 27 in the First Section of the Granada Court, and in addition to the five years in prison, the Prosecutor’s Office requests that the three accused be sentenced to pay a fine. fine of 8,500 euros.


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