Incendiary phrases put the Spanish Trump in focus

Incendiary phrases put the Spanish Trump in focus
Incendiary phrases put the Spanish Trump in focus

The Socialist Party (PSOE), the majority in the Spanish Government, announced today that it will file a complaint against the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, for her statements this Thursday about ETA and Hamas.

‘You kill, I will give you an autonomous community. You kill, I will give you a State,’ Ayuso said, referring to the decision announced by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that he will recognize a State of Palestine on May 28.

Sometimes described by some media as “the Trump (Donald) of Spain” due to her provocative style, Ayuso established an uncomfortable comparison between the disappeared terrorist group ETA of the Basque Country and Hamas, for which she suggested concessions were made.

The leader of the PSOE in Madrid, Juan Lobato, promoted the initiative to take Ayuso’s words to court, for whom he will file a complaint.

Immediately, the matter drew comments from the first vice president and vice general secretary of the PSOE, María Jesús Montero, who assured that measures will be studied to help the PSOE of Madrid be able to carry out all the actions it deems appropriate to ‘stop this permanent wave of abuse’.

On the other hand, Izquierda Unida (IU) appreciated the decision of the Government of Spain to recognize the State of Palestine, although it considered that for the moment it is only a gesture.

Through its main candidate for the European elections, Manu Pineda, the party that is part of the Sumar group, an ally of the Spanish Executive, pointed out that it is “a step in the right direction, a step that we at IU have been asking for for many years. ”.

Pineda considered that “if anyone has doubts that this recognition is going in the right direction, all they have to do is look at the reaction of Israel and its sponsors in the United States, who are crying out against it, and even Washington is vetoing a decision like this in United Nations”.

The day before, Sánchez announced the measure, which will take effect next Tuesday in a Council of Ministers.

During a special intervention in the Congress of Deputies, the president stressed that the initiative does not go against the people of Israel, but is a necessity to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East.

Although the news already seemed imminent, Sánchez’s information called for a round of applause in the Chamber. However, parliamentarians from right-wing (PP) and far-right (Vox) opposition parties, especially, stayed seated.

A curious fact in the case of the PP, which in 2014 was part of the initiative to recognize a Palestinian State with an overwhelming majority of votes in the Lower House, including the entire range of leftists led by the Socialist Party (PSOE). Ireland and Norway also announced that they will recognize the Palestinian state, and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris celebrated “a historic and important day” for his country and Palestine.


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